



2024-07-17 06:54:54 来源:网络


签证官的英文怎么说 -
Consular Officer是更为地道的说法,自卑更为完整的表述应为a sense of inferiority.若选单词的话,self-abasement较为贴切。
visa (interview) officer


求助,求助,签证官用西语怎么说,求助 -
或Visa oficial
问题一:我的签证已经下来了英语怎么说 i got my visa 问题二:把签证签一下用英语怎么说 would you issue the visa for me please 问题三:quot;尊敬的美国驻华大使馆签证官阁下"怎么翻译成英语 distinguished your excellency visa officer of United States embassy 太矫情了distinguished 和y有帮助请点赞。
签证英语怎么说 -
vt.签准维萨信用卡visa vi.sa AHD:[v¶“z…D.J.[6vi8z*]K.K.[6viz*]n.(名词)An official authorization appended to a passport, permitting entry into and travel within a particular country or region.签证:附加于护照的一种官方认可,允许进入和在某一特定的国家或地区内到此结束了?。
新西兰签证官网英文:New Zealand visa official website
"尊敬的美国驻华大使馆签证官阁下"怎么翻译成英语 -
Your Excellency visa officer of United States embassy 或者His Excellency visa officer of the USA embassy,口译课时常提到。
Visa officials to urge approval of my application
去大使馆办签证怎么说英文 -
去大使馆办签证的英文表达为:Go to the embassy for a visa 重点词汇的用法embassy 常用词汇英['embəsi]    美['embəsi]n. 大使馆;大使全体人员A crowd had already collected outside the embassy gates.使馆大门外已经聚集了一群人。go on an embassy去做大使s好了吧!
material end time is No. 25, I home again is not in Beijing, so the express most quick talent No. 26 arrives , will miss the date of expiration like this.So tomorrow, I can take the airplane go to deliver the material, do not know whether Embassy accepts by oneself 等我继续说。