



2024-07-20 05:12:36 来源:网络


safe造句 -
safe造句如下:1、Kuwabara is trying to give a foetus a safe home to avoid premature birth.而桑原的目的是帮助胎儿找到安全的生长场所,以防早产。2、Going grass-fed is a safe refuge, a way for family-scale farms to stay viable.转为草料饲养是一个安全的避难方法,是家庭规模农场维持生到此结束了?。
She didn't feel safe on her own. 她一个人待着,觉得不安全。


用英语单词safe造句 -
Walking to school is very safe.走路上学很安全!
安全用英语是safe。safe造句:1、We maintain the upmost available means to ensure that your information remains safe with us.我们使用最高级有效的方式来确保您的资料在我处的安全。2、The mother carried each baby up a rainforest tree to a safe perch inside a bromeliad plant.这位母亲把说完了。
用下列单词造句 1.safe 2.dangerous 3.dirty 4.expensive -
1 You must confirm the room is safe.2 There are many dangerous games.3 He made all the clothes very dirty.4 I will not buy this expensive pen.~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳回答】即可。你的采纳是我前进的动力有帮助请点赞。
安然无恙英语单词:safe and sound 知识扩展:safe and sound造句1、Love is a harbor in a turbulent sea which makes a weary seaman safe and sound.爱是风暴来临时的避风港,2、We found the children safe and sound after their dangerous adventure.我们发现孩子们经过那次历险之后安全无恙。3等我继续说。
inside……safe怎么造句? -
On beaches, keep your camera safe from sand by enveloping it inside a plastic bag。希望能帮到你,请采纳正确答案,点击【采纳答案】,谢谢^_^
it is the back the film is so boring it is very safe to go there I like to ski in the free time we should relax after woking a long time Don't be late for shool the city become more and more beautifull
keep sb safe造句 -
It is very important to keep children safe when we are away on holiday = 当我们外出度假时,保护孩子们的安全很重要。
cricketers would like to play for England.(play for 的搭配)5 safe Traffic safe need everybody obeys the traffic rules. (经典句子)6 in the absence of The Red Army was highly in the absence of salt.7 associate with Associated with his company, we attain a big success.