



2024-07-17 06:24:18 来源:网络


急求篇十二生肖之《鸡》的英语文章 -
a cock crows everyday ,it means Constant.a hen Lays eggs,it means Contribution.people with a animal sign of chicken are clever and hardworking ,they have Strong organizational capacity and they are Straightforward to others .women with a animal sign of chicken like Simple希望你能满意。
Modern varieties of chicken, such as the Cornish Cross, are bred specifically for meat production, with an emphasis placed on the ratio of feed to meat produced by the animal. In Chinese culinary culture, chicken is highly-valued, as in the phrase "无鸡不欢" (roughly translates as 'no ch等会说。


用五句英语介绍一只公鸡 -
Cock is a kind of bird.It looks very beautiful.It has two wings,but it can't fly.Its head is like a red hat.Its legs are not long but it can run very fast.I like the cock.
This ranks amongst China’s top chicken dishes and is an island speciality. In Hainan, people say, “No Wenchang chicken, no banquet!”. The chicken feeds on banyan seeds and fat until it is nine months old when it is confined in a basket in a quiet location away from light等我继续说。
关于鸡肉的英语作文 -
4.The white cockerel is setting upright the cockscomb ablaze with anger fan wing,extends the long neck arrow to resemble flushes away forward.Suddenly,cries out strangely.5.bent the waist,on the neck mammoth fan has been dispersing equally.6.soared throws oneself to the flowered 说完了。
湛江鸡——Zhangjing‘s chicken These chicken are form Zhangjing They are very delicious.They always move so that they are not tough.实在想不到了,
英语高人速来!关于鸡的英语介绍 -
楼上两位的翻译显然是google机译,正确的翻译是:鸡是人类饲养最普遍的家禽。家鸡源出于野生的原鸡,其驯化历史至少约4000年,但直到1800年前后鸡肉和鸡蛋才成为大量生产的商品。The chicken is one of the most common and widespread domestic animals. Domestic chickens originated from wild chickens. 说完了。
A turkey is either of two species of large birds in the genus Meleagris native to North America. Turkeys are classed in the order Galliformes. Within this family they are placed on one branch with Tetraonidae. Turkeys have a distinctive fleshy wattle that hangs from the underside 等我继续说。
关于鸡的英语作文 -
"Chicken Run" told a story: a chicken farm where a group of chickens, they do not want to stay at farms where they spent a lot of ways and wanted to flee, the results have failed.One day, flying down from the sky a rooster, chicken farms in the delighted, someone can 说完了。
鸡(chicken) 在英语中有着丰富的用法。它不仅仅是一种肉类食品,还有着其他许多意义。以下将为您介绍鸡在英语中的各种用法。一、基础意义鸡作为一个名词,代表着一种家禽。作为食材,常常作为烤肉、煮汤等菜品的主料。此外,雄鸡(male chicken)和母鸡(female chicken)还有着显著的性别区别。二、..