



2024-07-19 14:16:34 来源:网络


gotobed造句简单 -
1.I feel terrible ─ I think I'll go to bed.我觉得难受,想去睡觉了。2.Go to bed. You look tired out.去睡觉吧,你看上去(已是)满脸倦意。3.I think it's time to go to bed.我想该睡觉了。4.I'm going to go to bed and read.我要上床看书去。5.I'll make up the 等会说。
回答:Went upstairs to go to bed. 上楼去睡觉I strain~~ go to bed! 我闪了~~去睡觉了! We usually go to bed late. 我们通常睡得晚。He d better go to bed. 他最好去睡觉。I must go to bed now. 我必须去睡觉了。I mean to go to bed earlier tonight. 今晚我想说完了。


go to bed怎么翻译 -
gotobed的意思是:上床睡觉。go to bed翻译中文为“上床睡觉”,是一个英文词组。词组中的"go"意思为"去",在这里用作动词;词组中的"to"在这里没有实际意义,用作"介词";词组中的"bed"意思是"床",在这里用作名词。用go to bed翻译造句如下:1.Eave them outside the room before going to到此结束了?。
I always go to bed at 10pm every night.望采纳,
谁来帮我造这三个英文句子??? 造句 -
1.You first do a survey of the report by reading only the title and the subtitles.你首先通过阅读标题和副标题来纵览以下整个报道.2.You should go to bed.你应该上床睡觉。3.If only I had more time to think about it .应用:要是我有更多的时间考虑它就好了。
You looked tired after doing homework.Because we care about you so we helped you out.Because of his carelessness, he failed in the exam.
求助,用英语造句,要求如下 -
play basketball at 3:50p.m.i don't play basketball at 3:00p.m.4.做家庭作业4:00p.m/5:00p.m i do my homework at 4:00p.m.i don't do my homework at 4:00p.m.5.睡觉9:00p.m./10:00p.m i go to bed at 9:00p.m.i don't go to bed at 10:00p.m是什么。.
1.youmustdoyourhomeworkbeforeyougotobed. 2.youmustlistencarefullyinclass. 3.youmustn'tdrivefastonthestreet. 4.youmustn'ttalkinclass.满意请采纳,
用had better do sth造句子5个 -
you'd better go to bed 你最好上床睡觉,你最好去干嘛就用这个句型you's better finish the homework 是什么。stay at home 是什么。wash the clothes /是什么。read the book
1.I often help my mother do the housework.译:我常常帮我妈妈做家务活。2.In the old days, bosses made workers work over 12 hours a day.译:在旧社会,老板迫使工人一天工作12多个小时。3.Can you help me with my English,please?译:请问,你能否帮我学习英语?4.It takes me 2 说完了。