



2024-07-20 03:17:29 来源:网络


以下英语单词怎么造句? -
1、in total: 总共That will cost you 7.50 in total. 你总共要花7.50英镑。2、be equal to: conj. 等于(和后面会介绍。相等,胜任)Twenty shillings were equal to one pound before 1971.1971年前,二十先令等于一英镑。The task took quick thinking, but John was equal to it.这项任务需要后面会介绍。
1、meetings/ month/ we / every /have / two We have two meetings every month.每个月我们开两次会议。2、December / bonus /always /in /gets /a / he He always gets a bonus in December.他总是在十二月拿奖金。3、rarely /complaints /we / receive /any We rarely receive any comp希望你能满意。


用以下英语单词造句,急急急急急急急急急急!!! -
1.I wanna put this dog out.我要把这只狗放出来。2.Please put this stuff back.请把这个东西放回来。3.Please don't break words in.请不要插话。(这句话我不是太确定!)4.Please don't break the game off,I will finish my homework as soon as possible.请不要中断游戏,我将会尽有帮助请点赞。
1. Can you get me a piece of paper please?2. Please keep your belongings safely in the locker 3. This watch is worth a thousand dollars.4. This building is newly built this year.5. I would love to have a pet.6. Thomas Edision was the creator of light bulbs.7. He be希望你能满意。
为下列英语单词造句 -
1、The car broke down on our way to the mall.在我们去市场的路上车抛锚了。2、Please pay attetion to the sign.请注意这个警示牌。3、There are security guards in the museum.博物馆里有保安。4、The charity enjoy a great reputation. 这个慈善组织享有盛名。
1. Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力It was, in any case, beyond the capability of one man.无论如何,这决非一个人力所能及。2. Ability 是指智力或体力上具有做某事的能力He had remarkable ability as an administrator.他的行效管理能力很强。3. Skill 强调由经验而等会说。
用下面几个英语造句 -
1.This house is good except for the door.(except for 除了)这幢房子除了门以外还是不错的。2.Leaves turn brown in autumn.树叶一到秋天就变黄了。3.time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it.时间是你最珍贵的礼物,因为你只有一生那么多的时间。4.It 等会说。
1.Now the photo can be copy without negative .现在相片没有底片也可以复制.2.He is moody and unpredictable.他喜怒无常而又捉摸不定。3.He is too sensitive to criticism.他对批评太敏感。4.By the time we arrived the meeting was over .我们到达时,会议已结束了5.A mother naturally f希望你能满意。
用英语单词造句 -
1、crowd in 蜂拥而来Men crowd in dozens everywhere she goes.无论她在哪里总是被成群的男人包围。2、by chance 偶然;意外地I met Tom by chance yesterday.昨天我偶然遇见汤姆。3、come across 无意中发现He come across this in a curio shop.他在一个古玩店里偶尔发现了这个。4、..
make sentences with XX?to make sentences with XX is so difficult.i don't know what the word XX means what is the chinese for the word XX?,0,英语单词造句子!(每个单词,造5个或5个以上句子),1,surf 2,internet 3,progrom 4,result 5,better 6,differentce 7,yuck 8,athough 希望你能满意。