



2024-07-19 04:22:56 来源:网络


throat造句 -
1、She had a sorethroat.(她喉咙痛。2、I had a sorethroat and could only croak.(我喉咙痛,只能哑着嗓子说话。3、They say somebody slit herthroat.(他们说有人割断了她的喉咙。4、Mythroat tickles.(我嗓子发痒。5、Cross cleared histhroat and spoke in low, polite tones.(克罗有帮助请点赞。
sore throat读法是:英音[sɒ':eθrəʊt]美音[sɒ':eθroʊt],意思是嗓子痛。sore throat造句1、I have a sore throat and it make me feel wretched(miserable).我喉痛使我很苦恼。2、He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to shool.他还有呢?


sore的用法与搭配 -
sore造句:1、Sometimes patients might experience also a sore throat, dysphagia or stridor.有时病人可能会出现咽喉痛、吞咽困难和喘鸣。2、Tonsil stones, appear as white spots and can be confused with a sore throat.扁桃体结石,白色斑点显示它的出现,并被混淆为喉咙痛。3、Among them, sitti后面会介绍。
ache:指人体某一器官较持久的疼痛,常常是隐痛。pain:可与ache换用,但pain既可指一般疼痛,也可指剧痛,疼痛范围可以是局部或全身,时间可长可短。也可引申指精神上的痛苦。sore:指身体某部位的痛处,有是也指精神上的痛苦。造句1.Mary has a bad cold and sore throat.玛丽患了重感冒而且咽喉等会说。
急、、、英语英语 谢谢回答 -
1、I have a sore throat today。2、A pen is different from a pencil 3、Reading books is good for Chinese study.4 、She feels well now.5、I am going to school.6、Would you like to go hiking?7、Reading English is very important on the other hand we should等我继续说。
常和表示领域(比如industry, business和world)、竞争和价格的词一起使用。3. 应用:1)翻译:在这个竞争激烈的世界,只要适者才能生存。In this cut-throat world, only the fittest will survive.2) 造句:The college entrance examination is a cut-throat competition.(高考是一场残酷的竞争。
嗓子疼 英文 -
Sore throat造句1、I have a sore throat, so I can’t speak loudly.我喉咙疼,所以我不能大声说话。2、She stayed home from school because of a sore throat.她因为喉咙疼而请假在家不去上学。3、Drinking warm tea with honey can soothe a sore throat.喝温热的蜂蜜茶可以缓解喉咙疼痛。4说完了。
robe shawl tippet 参考例句:She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind.她用披肩把肩头裹紧以挡风。She wrapped her shawl closer about her.她把披肩裹得更紧了。Cape: a sleeveless outer garment fastened at the throat and worn hanging over the shoulders.斗篷,披肩说完了。
每日一词 | cut-throat -
1)翻译下面的句子:#160;在这个竞争激烈的世界,只有适者才能生存。#160;In a cut-throat world, only those who can adapt to the world can exist.参考翻译:In this cut-throat world, only the fittest will survive/prevail. 造句:场景一:旅游业的竞争激烈The competition in还有呢?
喉咙的英语单词1.gorge2.larynx3.throttled4.throttler5.throat;larynx 用喉咙造句1.”有人拿刀抵着你的喉咙,你居然还不愿意舍弃你那几个钱!”2.“我要是能够照着我的感受同你谈谈就好了,”他最后嗄声地说道,喉咙发哽。3.”教士离开椅子,站起来在房间里转了两圈,用颤抖的手紧压着他那干等我继续说。