



2024-07-20 03:16:39 来源:网络


stare造句 -
Baleful Stare 威迫的眼神,
1. That beautiful woman guide stares at the big pretty eyes to look at me.那美丽的女导游瞪大美目向我望来。2. Jastrow stares in a stunned way at the still audience, then stumbles toward the first row.杰斯罗用惊呆了的神气瞪眼望着鸦雀无声的听众,然后趔趔趄趄地朝着第一排听众后面会介绍。


用四个关于眼睛的动词造句 -
I stared at him for a long time.我盯着他好长一段时间。stare盯着;注视I glance at my room.我扫视了一下我的房间。glance扫视希望能帮到你哦!
英语造句 -
——越简单越好?i often go there. 我经常去那儿。you stare at her too often.你太常盯着她啦。we often plays with the childen.他经常陪孩子们玩。
Don't stare at me like that. 别那样盯著我看。You should seek medical advice. 你应该请医生诊视。His views are contrary to mine. 他的看法与我相反。The beggar was dressed in rags. 这个乞丐穿著破衣烂衫。They are devising a road system. 他们在设计道路系统。It seems good in 有帮助请点赞。
英语造句20句,帮帮忙 -
refused to surrender to the enemies. (在打仗时,勇敢的军人还是不对敌人投降)astonish at(感到惊愕) My mother was astonished to see how dirty my brother was after a football practice. (我妈妈对我弟弟在踢足球后的一身脏感到惊愕)stare at(盯···看) I like to stare at 希望你能满意。
1、n.的中文翻译主要为:眼睛;有…眼睛的;有…只眼的;视力;眼力身体部位part of body的中文意思:例如:The suspect has dark hair and green eyes.翻译:嫌疑犯有着一头黑发和一双绿眼睛。例如:to close/open your eyes 翻译:闭上/ 睁开眼睛2、v.的中文翻译主要为:注视;审视;细到此结束了?。
英语单词词组造句 -
1 i am going to shopping 2i'm thinking about this problem 3early men used to hunting .4in early days, human beings had to make a fire to cooking.5knife is use for cut.6mother cook food for us any day.7,when you cross the road,be careful with the cars.8millions of 后面会介绍。
想要写好英语作文就必须从造句开始。下面来介绍一下如何用英语短语进行造句,大家不妨看看。The scene of this play is set in Ireland. 这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。They permitted her to leave. 他们允许她离开。Don't stare at me like that. 别那样盯著我看。You should seek medical advice. 你后面会介绍。