



2024-07-21 03:36:23 来源:网络


用go down下降的意思造句 -
down的短语有:down on 突然意识到, go down 下降;平静下来;传下去;被接受。down with 打倒;把…拿下, ups and downs n. 沉浮;盛衰;高低, down through 在整个…的时间里, right down [口语]。用down造句:1. Interest rates came down today.利率今天下降了。2希望你能满意。


go down造句加中文 -
l go down the floor
短句:belt down 在…上迅速移动go down 沿…下来例句:Please sit down.请坐下。He is walking down the seaside.他正沿海边走去。I've been feeling down since I lost my job.自从失去工作後,我的情绪一直处於低潮。She's terribly down on people who don't do things her way.她对说完了。
初一英语快来! -
句子可以说“I'll wait for you at the bus stop."我会在车站等你。go down,你现在能用到的意思一般是,下去,下降这些。句子有“The price of books is going down."书价正在下降。get lost,这个最普遍的用法就是,迷路。句子有“I got lost in the forest last week."上周我在森林里迷路希望你能满意。
1.The region is too wild for people to live.这个地区太荒凉了,不宜居2.The situation is not serious enough for us to take the emergency measure.情况还没有严重到需要我们采取应急措施的地步。3.The boy is too young to do it, isn't he?这男孩年纪太轻不能做这件事,不是吗?4后面会介绍。.
英语造句 -
the reataurant.6.Go straight on the First Avenue.7.Turn at the garden.8.The bank is on the left of the restaurant.9.Go down the Second Avenue.10.Turn right at the restaurant.11.The restautant is on the right of the reataurant.12.Walk through the Third Avenue.完成。
Go down this street, you can see the post office.沿着这条街走,你能看到邮局。I often take a shower in the evening.晚上我经常淋浴。^^希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*) ^^^ 有帮助请点赞。
关于down 的短语 -
Let's go down by the lift.我们乘电梯下去吧。[1] Shares have gone down again by ten points.股票又下跌了10个百分点。[1] He will go down in history as a hero.他将作为英雄载入史册。[1] 12.hand down 把……传下来(及物) Knowledge, customs and memories were handed down by the elde还有呢?
短语搭配upside down 颠倒, 倒转;一团糟, 混乱不堪down under 到, 向, 在;在澳大利亚;澳大利亚和新西兰down tools 撂下工作, 罢工be down with 患…病, 得…病sit down 坐下Try to support each other when one of you is feeling down好了吧!当有人觉得情绪低落时,要努力相互打气。I 好了吧!