



2024-07-22 07:21:32 来源:网络


fork造句 -
fork造句如下:Shortly before dusk they reached a fork and took the left-hand track.快到黄昏时,他们来到一个岔路口,沿着左边的小径走去了。Take the right fork.走右边的岔路The path forks at the bottom of the hill.小径在山丘脚下分岔。The road forks right after the bridge.这条路后面会介绍。


餐叉用英语造句怎么造句? -
①I saw the fork fall one the ground (我看见餐叉掉在地上)②Mom bought me anew fork〈妈妈给我买了新的餐叉〉
勺子:spoon 汤匙:tablespoon 叉子:fork
spoon(勺子)怎么造句?plate(盘子)怎么造句?fork(叉子)怎么造句?ready怎 ...
能给我一个勺子吗?Does any one want a nice clean plate?有人想要一个漂亮又干净的盘子吗?We use a knife and fork.我们使用刀和叉。Are you ready for lunch?你准备好吃午餐了吗?Pass me the green one, please!请把那个绿色的递给我。Could you show me the watch?能将手表拿给我希望你能满意。
a knife and a fork指的是一把餐刀个一把叉子a knife and fork 指的是一套餐刀和叉子。可能这一套中不止一把餐刀和叉子。满意的话望采纳!
造句。 英语、 -
1.The boss treats the laborer very well.2.This foreigner has already visted the Great Wall more than twice.3.Jack is running after the ball now.4.We often clean up the whole room once a week.5.Stop to use this new fork.衷心希望对您有用。
I want to ride a horse with a folk and a map to see the world instead of doing homework.我不想写作业,而是想带着叉子和地图骑着马去看世界。
balloon造句 -
She popped a balloon with her fork.她用叉子把气球砰的一声戳爆了。He pricked the balloon and burst it.他把气球扎爆了。The balloon was grounded by strong winds.热气球因强风是什么。
knife的读音是英[naɪf]、美[naɪf],意思是刀。knife的造句:1、Keep the line with a tray,put a knife,a fork and a piece of paper napkin on it.拿一个盘子,放上刀叉,纸巾,排队。2、Just pick up a tray, put a knife,a fork,a spoon and a paper napkin on 到此结束了?。