



2024-07-19 23:33:56 来源:网络


“fall”造句 -
1.I'll never fall in love again.我不再陷入情网。2.In the fall, Wilma limped off to school.到了秋天,威尔玛一瘸一拐地走着去上学了。3.I hope you can fall in wish me on this question.我希望在这个问题上你能同意我的看法。4.If I fall asleep at the wheel wake me up.如果有帮助请点赞。
fall的意思为“跌倒、退化、下降、秋天”等,其例句为:1、He that is down need fear no fall.位居底层者不怕跌落。2、She's got no place to fall.她没有跌落的余地。3、Everybody thought that China would fall off a financial cliff.人人都以为中国将跌落金融悬崖。4、Some of them fell还有呢?


fall造句 -
Food prices lowered during the fall.秋天食品价格下降了。
1.The toddler tried to walk but kept falling down.那小孩学着走路但老是跌跤.2.He fell off the bike and broke his right leg.他从自行车上摔下来,摔断了右腿.3.The major world power are afraid of falling behind in the arm race.世界各大强国均惟恐在军备竞赛中落后。4.The emer说完了。
autumn和fall的区别 -
autumn和fall的造句:1、Autumn is a lively season for the wool market.秋天是毛织品畅销的季节。2、In autumn the partridges whirred up.秋天,鹧鹕呼呼地飞了起来。3、Leaves fall off the trees in the autumn.秋天,树叶纷纷从树上掉下来。4、All summer and all fall i've operated.整个还有呢?
fall:英[fɔ:l] 美[fɔl]v. 跌倒; 落下; 减少; 沦陷;n. 秋天; 落下; 瀑布; 减少;[例句]We watched buildings fall on top of people and pets.我们看到一幢幢大楼倒塌,砸在人和宠物身上。bite:英[baɪt] 美[baɪt]vt.& vi. 咬; 叮;n. 还有呢?
falls asleep in class.The island is warm all year round and winter temperatures never fall below 10 degrees.一般将来时The leaves of most trees will fall in autumn.The price of house will fall in the future.一般过去时I fell off my bike yesterday.He fell down the stairs到此结束了?。.
1. American people use the word "fall" to mean autumn.美国人用"fall"这个字来表示秋天。2. Autumn is a busy season,and the crops are ripe.秋季是繁忙的季节,庄稼成熟了。3. Autumn is a busy season.秋天是忙碌紧张的季节。4. I like Beijing particularly in autumn.我爱等我继续说。
英语造句:fall belind和fall over -
fall behind 1.落后,跟不上。Some students become depressed because they fall behind.一些学生因为落后而变得抑郁(消沉)。fall over:摔倒。If I walk too quick I will fall over.如果我走得太快,我会摔倒。
We drop into the water.we fall in the water.