



2024-07-19 04:29:18 来源:网络


each简单造句? -
6、They lost $40 each.他们每人损失了40元。
每一所学校都有图书馆。Each one of us has his own duty.我们每个人都有自己的职责。Each boy and each girl works hard.每个学生都努力学习。There were three students who called and I gave a book to each.来了三个学生, 我发给每个人一本书。Each of us has a company car.我们每人到此结束了?。


each的用法及造句,谢谢了 -
1.We help each other.我们互相帮助。2.They speak English to each other.他们彼此讲英语。3.We often compare notes with each other on our work and study.我们经常就工作和学习方面互相交换意见。六、each和every词义辨异:Ⅰ.every只能作形容词,只有在与名词连用或构成复合词(如everybody每个到此结束了?。
造句:The earth completes one revolution each day .地球每天完成一次自转。Each party shall consist of not less than ten .每组至少由十人组成。Each one should take care of his strength .人人都得保重自己的身体。Mr. franklin and i looked at each other .弗兰克林先生和我面面相觑。Bevy 等我继续说。
each和every区别 -
each造句:1、They stood facing each other.(他们面对面站着。)2、He articulated each syllable.(他清楚地说出了每个音节。)3、We hardly know each other.(我们彼此还不大认识呢。)4、l write personally to each inquirer.(我亲自给每位问讯者回信。)5、We drank a whole bottle each等会说。.
1、each既可用作形容词,又可用作代词,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语、同位语、状语等。Each student has his own dictionary . (形容词,定语)Each has hi s good point . (代词,主语)Our head teacher had a talk with each of us . (代词,宾语)The students each have a desk . 后面会介绍。
each什么意思 怎么造句 -
each 英[i:tʃ]美[itʃ]adj. 每; 各自的;pron. 每个; 各自;[例句]Each book is beautifully illustrated.每本书都配有精美的插图。
1、adj. 每;各自的2、adv. 每个;各自3、pron. 每个;各自读法:英[iːtʃ] 美[itʃ]Each iteration每次迭代each department各部门each month每月例句:1、At the beginning of each class, I count off the students.每节课开始我先数一下学生的人数。2、..
用each、sell、on sale造句 至少两个 -
each:1.You can buy socks for only five yuan each.你可以买仅售五元一双的袜子。2.You live on in each new day.你生活在每一个新的日子sell:1.He'll sell me the house for $ 15,000.他要把房卖给我,出价15 000美元。2.We sell material by the meter.我们售卖布料以米计算。on是什么。