



2024-07-19 20:18:52 来源:网络


用cinnamon造句 -
1.Mix the cinnamon with the rest of the sugar 把桂皮和剩下的糖混合在一起。2.Cinnamon is an excellent flavour enhancer.肉桂是种绝佳的提味调料。3.My country is rich in cinnamon, cloves, ginger, pepper, and precious stones.我国盛产肉桂、丁香、生姜、胡椒和到此结束了?。


辣椒的英文怎么读? -
1、ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beans 2、very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency 例句用作名词(n.)1、The excitant food such as chili should eat less as far as possible.辣椒等刺激性食物应尽可能少吃。2、Add some mo希望你能满意。
桂皮的英语单词1.cassia lignea2.der zimt3.chinese cinnamon stick4.cannelle5.cassia twig6.cinnamon bark7.cortex cinnamomi8.bark of wilson cinnamon9.feathering10.bark of japanese cinnamon 用桂皮造句1.芬芳的种子,像桂皮和丁香一样用作调味品,尤其用于腌菜和烤肉沙司中。2.加糖和桂皮(和肉等我继续说。
桂皮的国语词典桂皮的国语词典是什么 -
【结构】复句式成语【用法】作定语、宾语;指人的性格【近义词】姜桂之性,到老愈辛【英译】The older the ginger and cinnamon bee,the more pungent their flavour.心狠手辣xīn hěn shǒu là【解释】心肠凶狠,手段毒辣.【出处】明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》第三十三卷:“那小娘子听了,欲待不信,又见十五贯钱堆还有呢?
描写辣椒外形的词语 -
【结构】复句式成语【用法】作定语、宾语;指人的性格【近义词】姜桂之性,到老愈辛【英译】The older the ginger and cinnamon bee,the more pungent their flavour.心狠手辣xīn hěn shǒu là 【解释】心肠凶狠,手段毒辣.【出处】明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》第三十三卷:“那小娘子听了,欲待不信,又见等会说。
Then mary took about a pint of pure nard , an expensive perfume ; she poured it on jesus ' feet and wiped his feet with her hair 3马利亚就拿著一斤极贵的真哪哒香膏,抹耶稣的脚,又用自己头发去擦。Nard and saffron , calamus and cinnamon , with every kind of incense 到此结束了?。
所有颜色的英文 -
肉桂色cinnamon 肉色flesh , carnation;incarnadine;pastel peach; 水晶色crystal 荧光色iridescent 彩虹色iris; rainbow 部分建筑材料用的颜色Spanish Red 晚霞红/西班牙红Terra Cotta 中国红Pottery Red 陶嫣红Autumn Brown 秋叶棕Teak 淡茶褐Driftwood 浅灰褐Sierra Gray 云石灰Chateau Green 青黛绿Su等会说。
【结构】复句式成语【用法】作定语、宾语;指人的性格【近义词】姜桂之性,到老愈辛【英译】The older the ginger and cinnamon bee,the more pungent their flavour.心狠手辣xīn hěn shǒu là【解释】心肠凶狠,手段毒辣.【出处】明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》第三十三卷:“那小娘子听了,欲待不信,又见十五贯钱堆有帮助请点赞。