



2024-07-19 21:16:49 来源:网络


chinese怎么造句? -
It is the tallest monument in Chinese history.它是中国历史上最高的纪念碑。we embark on our trip through Chinese history.让我们开始踏上中国历史之旅。He is very interested in&等我继续说。
chinese英式读法[ˌtʃaɪˈni:z],美式读法[tʃaɪˈniz, -ˈnis]。字词解释:n.中国人;华人;中文;汉语。adj.中国的;中国人的;中国话的;中文的。造句:1、The chinese team enjoyed the height advantage .中国队占有身高优势。2、Printing was后面会介绍。


中文用英语怎么说 -
Chinese造句:1、Chinese people never shy away from hard work.中国人从不畏避艰苦的工作。2、The Preparation and Properties of Light Coloured Amino Chinese Lacquer浅色氨基大漆的制备和性能3、The Chinese belong to the yellow race.中国人属于黄种人。4、Do you want to learn authentic Chine后面会介绍。
鲜橙红色双语例句The choice of restaurant was a toss-up between Indian or Chinese.选择餐馆时,印度餐馆和中国餐馆都很有可能。There is no proof that the Chinese were witting accomplices.没有证据证明那些中国人是知情的同谋。 [no obj.]a Chinese paper flower that unfolds in wa后面会介绍。
用Chinese造句 -
A young Chinese lent me his bicycle.一位年轻的中国人将他的自行车借给我。
china和chinese的用法区别是什么? -
。Chinese:Chinese cabbage(白菜);Chinese lantem(灯笼)。china造句及翻译:1、Every Chinese loves China.是中国人都爱中国。2、China is abundant with natural resources.中国自然资源丰富。3、It's five years since he came to China.他来中国已经5个年头了。4、Welcome to China.欢迎来中国。
Chinese use chopsticks to have meals.中国人用筷子进餐。
studying+he+in+is+interested+chinese+造句,+应该怎么写? -
1. He is interested in studying Chinese.他对学习汉语感兴趣。2. He is interested in Chinese studying.他对汉语学习感兴趣。词序有些奇怪,但仍然是正确的句子)3. In Chinese studying he is interested.在汉语学习方面他感兴趣。语序更符合英语表达习惯)除以上常规造句之外,还可以学习一下下面说完了。
Chinese was the subject which I love the best when I was young.