



2024-07-19 00:14:33 来源:网络


用cheerful造3个句子 -
1.He remained cheerful throughout the trip.他整个旅程都有愉快的心情。2.There are reasons to be cheerful.有几个值得高兴的原因。3.I was a cheerful and healthy new mother.我曾是个很快乐,健康的新妈妈。4.But in recent months michigan has tried to present a more cheerful message.但希望你能满意。


用cheerful造2个简单句子 -
I am happy and free, in good health, gay and cheerful.我快活自由,身体健康,积极乐观。They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.他们俩虽然感冒了,可都兴高采烈的。
英语描写心情短句 -
欢乐、高兴Joy愉快的、欢悦的Cheerful乐意的、欢喜的Glad 愿意的、乐于的WillingPleasure愉快、满足Satisfied满意的、满足的Elated兴高采烈的Delight欣喜的、快乐Thrill兴奋的、快乐的lost,失落drowsy,心情低下wreainess劳累boring乏味tired疲惫colourful炫彩的excellent精彩绝伦的busy忙碌的dull枯燥的puzzled感到困惑好了吧!
16. TheexpectedMayDayholidayisjuestaroundthecorner.I'dliketowishallofyouawonderful,outstanding,cheerfulandsplendidholiday!17. 踏上旅途,平安祥和;随便乱说,轻松快活;搞点娱乐,大福自摸;安全归家,还要工作。祝劳动节快乐!18. 勤有功,嬉无益。19. 要工作,要勤劳:劳作是最可靠的财富。20. 好了吧!
翻译以下的英语句子(如下句子) -
1.We make an extra effort and show up at their front door,andbefore knocking,we put on our most cheerful faces 我们已尽了额外的努力,在他们的门前出现,在按门之前,面上还堆满了笑容。2. We shower them with excessive compliments and we compliment them on their nice furniture.我们等我继续说。
聪明的charitable 宽厚的cheerful 开朗的childish 幼稚的comical 滑稽的competent 能胜任的conceited 自以为是的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的creative 富创造好了吧!
几个英语句子翻译,急求。 -
1.当我一开始在互联网上得知即将在美国举办一个国际中学生夏令营时,就非常希望能够参加。I've been wanting to take part in this ever since I first learned on the Internet that there would be an international high school summer camp in the U.S.2我不仅热情开朗、乐于助人,而且有好奇心等我继续说。
3. “A Xiang ”is a handsome,elegant,sincere and brave lamb,colored blue of one of the 5 rings of the Olympic flag,symbolizing the endless flowing Pearl River,representing the easy-going character and the liberal bosom of Guangzhou People.4. “A Ru”is a pretty and 有帮助请点赞。