



2024-07-19 00:19:07 来源:网络


ambition造句 -
The glory of his country is his ambition.为国增光是他的雄心。You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.如果你努力, 你的抱负是可以实现的。There are no bounds to his ambition.他的野心是无止境的。His wild ambition was thoroughly exposed.他的狼子野心暴露无遗。She had no amb有帮助请点赞。
His disability caused this thing to fail.他的无能导致了这件事失败。She swims well despite her disabilities.尽管身体残疾, 她却是个游泳好手。His ambition knows no limits.他的野心是无止尽的。The big house on the hill is my ambition.山上那所大房子是我所企望得到的。The new secreta等会说。


写出单词的翻译且造句: 1,ambition 2.applaud 3.beneficial 4.b_百...
1野心She has no personal ambition 2向…鼓掌表示赞赏(或欢迎),赞许The audience applauded at the end of the opera.3有利的,有益的Vitamins are beneficial to our health.4背叛They offered me money if I would betray my friends.5无常的,易变的The programme's mood was changeab还有呢?
The prediction have come true.预言变成了事实Ambition winged his spirit.雄心壮志使他意气风发。Your future is bound up with the fate of your motherland. 你的前途同祖国的命运紧密相联。Be sure to place them correctly务必把这些东西放对地方.Which actor represented Hamlet?哪位演员扮演哈姆到此结束了?。
用ambition造句,她的目标很大,可不可以这 -
她的抱负很大,Her ambition is really strong.
I want to keep the book which I borrowed from the library for a longer time because I have not finished reading it. So I have to renew it.意思:我想把这本书迟几天还给图书馆,因为我还没读完.不过现在只能续借了.It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping.很难防止水泥变形。Do 还有呢?
求以下几个造句的英文写法 -
the water in this region is not polluted.this decision made him popular in his workfellows.their friendship is broken by misunderstanding.people used to think Earth as the center of universe.the local government attaches great importance to elementary education.Mr Mike had an eye 希望你能满意。
抱负的解释[aspiration;ambition] 志向;愿望抱负不凡反对君主制度的抱负详细解释(1).手抱肩负。《汉书·外戚传下·孝成赵皇后》:“世无周公抱负之辅,恐危社稷。”《后汉书· 儒林传序》:“四方之士……自是莫不抱负坟策,云会京师。”宋苏轼《京师哭任遵圣是什么。
医术的英文 -
医术:Ambition。名词:medical skill; art of healing,医术高明。have superb medical expertise,运用医术。exercise one's medical skills,提高医术。improve one's medical skills,精通医术。have superb medical skills,传授医术。医学英语含义:医学英语又称医用英语,主要针对医学、医药、病理方面的希望你能满意。
1、original 英[əˈrɪdʒənl] 美[əˈrɪdʒənəl]adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的n.原件;原文;原型;怪人The original plan was to hold an indefinite stoppage .最初的计划是无限期停工。2、aspiration 英[&#说完了。