



2024-07-22 22:25:09 来源:网络


熟悉用英语怎么说 -
understand英[ˌʌndə'stænd]   美[ˌʌndər'stænd]释义:v. 懂得;明白;理解;认识到;听说;了解形容词: understandable 副词: understandably 名词: understandability 过去式: understood 过去分词: understood 现在分词:understanding 第三等会说。
be up on 精通、熟悉某物。


熟悉英文怎么说 -
sth. be familiar to *** .问题四:对什么很熟悉用英语怎么讲 be familiar with 问题五:英文“熟悉环境”怎么说 be familiar with the places 注:be familiar with 英[bi: f??milj? wie]美[bi f??m?lj? w?e]v. 熟悉; 认识;[例句]He does not seem to be familiar with 等我继续说。
be familiar with 的主语是人,宾语是物,即:sb.is familiar with sth.某人熟悉某物He is very familiar with the street.他对这条街道非常熟悉。be familiar to 的主语是物,宾语是人,即:sth.is familiar to sb.某物对某人来说很熟悉This street is familiar to me.这条街道对我来讲是太还有呢?
熟悉的英语 -
be acquainted with intimacy be up on 熟悉:know sth.or sb.well; be familiar with; have an intimate knowledge of; at home:例句:know the ins and outs of the matter; know the inside story of; be in the know;熟悉内情familiarize oneself with one's new job;熟悉自己的工作到此结束了?。
对⋯熟悉(英语短语)除了be familiar with还有:1、be familiar to 对⋯熟悉,为……所熟悉读音:英[bi fəˈmɪliə(r) tu]、美[bi fəˈmɪliər tu]例句:All these beauties will already be familiar to the visitors等会说。
“熟悉的”英语怎么讲? -
熟悉的基本翻译conversant well-informed familiar au fait
familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的acquainted adj. 熟识的;知晓的;有知识的conversant adj. 熟悉的;精通的;亲近的well-informed adj. 消息灵通的;见多识广的;熟悉的;博学的,
对熟悉还有什么说法? -
对⋯熟悉(英语短语)除了be familiar with还有:1、be faniliar to 等我继续说。对⋯熟悉2、get acquainted with 等我继续说。对⋯熟悉3、Be known with 等我继续说。对⋯熟悉4、be faniliar to 是等我继续说。所熟悉的5、be familiar with 精通等我继续说。/等我继续说。 熟进补充:前者是指是什么所熟悉等我继续说。
English is familiar to me. 英语为我所熟悉。He looks familiar to me. 他很面善。The facts are familiar to me. 这些事实对我来说是熟悉的。familiar withMost people are familiar with this figure from Wagner's opera. 多数人都熟悉瓦格纳歌剧中的这一人物。We are very familiar with each是什么。