



2024-07-19 23:37:55 来源:网络


霍比特人经典英语台词,10句以上!急求!!! -
1.We may be few in number.But we're fighters 好了吧!all of us.To the last one!或许我们人数不足,但我们是战士,我们都至死不屈。2.Gandalf:The world is not in your books and maps.It's out there.甘道夫:世界不在你的书和地图中,它在外面。3.Bilbo Baggins:I do believe you好了吧!
霍比特人3:五军之战经典台词1、你选择和平,还是战争。2、你会跟随我吗?完成这终极之战。3、Why love was so hurt, Because it's is true love.为什么爱是如此的伤心。因为它是真正的爱情。


求《霍比特人》经典台词 -
I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. 在我看来,抑制黑暗的是那些普通人的琐细的日常点滴,那些细微的善意和爱。Saruman believes that it is only a great power that can hold evil in check,but that希望你能满意。
True courage is about knowing not when to take a life but when to spare one.真正的勇气不是何时杀戮,而是何时宽恕。以上是我在网上搜出来的,记得大概也是酱~~
想要霍比特人2的一些经典台词,要双语的谢谢 -
光复故土,手刃巨龙A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon.而我却认为你们的行动没这么冠冕堂皇I myself suspect a more prosaic account.不过是密谋盗窃或是类似的计划Attempted burglary or something of that ilk.你找到进入大山的路径了You have found a way in.你找寻那个赐予你还有呢?
是霍比特人3吧。。。4还没出来呢亲。。。经典台词附上:1、你选择和平,还是战争。2、你会跟随我吗?完成这终极之战。3、Why love was so hurt, Because it's is true love.为什么爱是如此的伤心。因为它是真正的爱情。
求霍比特人1意外之旅全台词(英语) -
My dear Frodo, you asked me once that if l had told you everything there was to know about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I have told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it!Saruman believes that it is only a great power that can hold evil in 等我继续说。
Farewell,Master Burglar.Go back to your books,and your armchair.Plant your trees,watch them grow.If more people valued home above gold,the world will be a merrier gold.另外附上原著中大舅的遗言,感觉更打动人一些Farewell,good thief.I go now to the halls of waiting to sit 有帮助请点赞。
霍比特人3五军之战中精灵女王黑化时说的台词 -
You have no power here,servant of Morgoth! You are nameless,faceless,formless! Go back to the void from whence you came!