



2024-07-13 11:53:38 来源:网络


求~英文标准翻译!很标准的翻译! -
2. Company Profile 3. qualification and honor 4. senior management 5. environment 6. business distribution 7. Experts Profile 8. trainning and communication 9. Corporate Culture 10. general status 11. technical force 12. present love 13. product introduction 针对公司简介翻译需要,这样翻有帮助请点赞。
1.看我们跳的多好看啊。 1. Look how well we are dancing.2,我们两个拿着玫瑰跳得怎样? 2. How are we dancing, with a rose in the hand?3,和我大家在一起,我是最小的。 3. It’s me, the youngest in the crowd.4,我嘴巴含着一朵玫瑰和小小一起跳舞,大家都说好希望你能满意。


求 英文 标准翻译 50分 -
I was silly with your heart and day 我没有珍惜你的心和日子I enjoy tearing you apart 我喜欢将你撕碎Now it's me who cries 而现在哭泣的人变成了我Teenage games all I ever did was call you names 孩童时的游戏我总是给你起名字I got kicks from teasing you 我因为取笑你被打好了吧!
1.我叫某某,我的电话号码是。。My name is 有帮助请点赞。My phone number is 有帮助请点赞。2.我住在北京丰台区I live in Fengtai District in Beijing.3.住在哪里已经十多年了I have lived in there for more than ten years.4.我喜欢哪里,因为我出生在哪里,I like there, because I was born in there有帮助请点赞。.
最标准的英文翻译 -
一般的在线翻译器是机器翻译,大多为直译的多,谷歌语种比较多,准确度也可以。百度翻译的语种很少。英语来说,有道词典这款翻译软件比较实用一些。“今生共相伴”这句直译的效果翻不出来,最好是意译。简洁明了的表达我推荐:To Be Together Forever!或者是To Be With You Forever!以上是我个人的见解希望你能满意。
I want to take him as an example of action 1 Whatever you do, don't lose to that man 2 Buy yourself a box of lunch at a stop before you reach Osaka 3 Dinner is ready.Come and eat it 4 As I didn't want to get my mother worried,I didn't tell her about it 5 It是什么。
求标准的英文翻译 -
To the one I love most. 献给我最爱的人My love will lasting eternally. 我对你的爱是永恒的You are my sWeet prinCess and my most Loved angel in my life. 你是我温柔的,甜美的(sweet)公主是我生命中最爱的天使如上W—C—L 按字母顺序出现话说这个W—C—L 是说完了。
1.不被欢迎的人A wet blanket 或者是:a black sheep (正宗的俚语,够标准的吧)2.他不是一个豪爽的人He is not forthright(楼上的straightforward 体现不出豪放来)3.约会的时候我翻成:the trysted hour "tryst"更能体现情人间的约会,quot;appointment" 太泛了可以指任何场合的会面4.那个后面会介绍。
求标准的英文翻译 -
Thank you, dear teacher. It's so great that you joined us and bring us so much happiness. We will never let you down. Wish you a happy holiday season today and everyday!
洛克菲勒中心-Rockefeller Foundation 国会山庄-Capitol Hill 白金汉宫-Buckingham Palace 凡尔赛宫-Versailles 圣彼德教堂-St Peter's Basilica 流水别墅-Fallingwater