



2024-07-23 08:33:59 来源:网络


求教两个英文句子 -
1. I should have been able to see [beyond my impatience][1]* to attend to what was most inerrant.[1][see beyond]越过还有呢?看,实际上就是“无视”;see beyond my impatience无视我的急躁,意思就是[静下心来\耐心];此外倒是有个习语[see beyond one's nose]意思是有远见[attend还有呢?
What i mean是主语从句后面是is,前面的肯定是主语,如果不是名词代词做主语,而是一个句子做主语那么就是主语从句。其标志就是放在句首,后面跟谓语动词。句意是“我的意思是我们得回去找它”it 是look for的宾语,look for是固定搭配,因为for是介词,后面要有名词或代词,所以it不能放在中间,如好了吧!


求教:5个英文句子分析 -
您好Not only can walking fish live out of water,but they can also travel short distances over land. not only好了吧! but(also) not only 于句子开头要用倒装,but后面的句子不用倒装2. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but sometheories postulate that changers in 好了吧!
直译:想通过一个微笑了事很难。变一下:别想一个微笑了事get by 走过,通过;挤过:The crowd moved aside to let the leaders get by.人群闪到一边让领导人通过。维持生活,过下去:She can't get by on such a small income.靠这么少的收入她不能维持生活。凑合,可以对付;敷衍过去:Your还有呢?
向英文高手求教一个超级崩溃的长句子! -
regarding parts transaction between Renault/Nissan and the supplier or any applicable law for any failure even if the quantity of failures is below the quality targets mentioned in this whole RFQ package.在雷诺/日产和供应商之间的零件交易过程当中,在任何情况下,供货商遵从的质量承诺都应该希望你能满意。
表格的注释应该置于表格的下面,在引用的时候应该用上标的小写字母。Footnotes to tables should be referred to by superscript lowercase letters:(你在写论文的时候肯定会对表格进行标注的,这句话说的意思就是你在引用图表的时候要把引用的图表名称用小写字母表示,并且是上标)到此结束了?。
求教:一个英文句子的含义以及本句子的语法分析:Our wedding anniversary...
1)我们的结婚纪念日完全从脑海里滑出。2)我完全忘了我们的结婚纪念日。第一条是比较标准的翻译;结婚纪念日=wedding anniversary;完全=completely;从脑海里=my mind;滑出=slipped out of;当它在说'slipped out of my mind',指的是'forgot',也就是'忘记'加'out of'是因为当你某个想法从好了吧!
1、Out in the open rather than hidden under the counter where people would have to ask for them and maybe be embarrassed.公开不隐藏的方式可能促使人们有询问的欲望,尽管这样的询问会使人感到有些尴尬。2、For example, the promotion of drug addiction which we'll get into later.比方说完了。
求教高手英文翻译下列句子,谢谢 请帮助我这个文盲来提高英语水平吧 谢 ...
1.How are u doing recently?2.实在抱歉这么晚还打电话打搅您,但是事情紧急.2.Sorry for trouble you at this awful time, but it is urgent.3.下个星期一上午10点在公司的办公室,有一个很重要的会议,请您务必按时参加.3.Please attend the meeting next Monday for it is important, 10am有帮助请点赞。
the only woman I love 你想要句子的话,This is the only woman I love.别听楼上的only love有帮助请点赞。多难听啊有帮助请点赞。