



2024-07-20 04:31:47 来源:网络


模具设计与制造,用英文怎么说 -
Mold design and manufacture
模具设计与制造翻译成英文是:Mould design and manufacture


模具设计与制造!用英文怎么说? -
正确的英文是:Tooling Design and Manufacture 1,mould design and manufacturing:塑料模具设计与制造2,tool design and manufacturing :刀具设计与制造3,die design and manufacturing:冲压模具设计与制造,
正确的英文是:Tooling Design and Manufacture 1,mould design and manufacturing:塑料模具设计与制造2,tool design and manufacturing :刀具设计与制造3,die design and manufacturing:冲压模具设计与制造模具设计与制造翻译成英文怎么说模具设计与制造翻译成英文是:Mould design and manufacture ◎说完了。
冲压模具设计与制造用英语怎么翻译 -
dies 翻译中首先翻设计与制造,然后再翻冲压模具。冲压模具在英文里有几种翻法:dies;Stamping die; Stamping tool; Stamping dies光是翻die或dies容易混淆,因为die是模子的总称,拉丝模,挤塑模都可以用die,所以还是翻成stamping die比较好,但在整篇文章中,多次出现的话就简化用die也可以。
机械设计制造及其自动化automated mechanical design and manufacturing 计算机辅助模具制造computer-aided mould manufacturing
模具设计与制造专业英语翻译 -
In addition to their standard jaws,lathe chuks may also be fitted with a variety of special purpose jaws to accommodate different types of workpiece surfaces and configurations.除了标准的虎钳口,车床卡具也可以与用于特殊目的的各种各样的虎钳口相配备,以适应不同类型的工件表面和外形的要求。
This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of模具设计与制造专业, covering essential topics to enhance understanding and proficiency in the field.Unit One: Tool Materials Lesson 1 introduces the fundamental aspects of tool materials, focusing on the selection and heat treating 是什么。
工业设计和模具设计与制造有什么关系 -
Application in trial-producing owing to fleetness molding technology backing project and fleetness moulding unfinished products Abstract: Have introduced application in trial-producing owing to that integrated environment of RP & RT backing project and fleetness mould make the technology method到此结束了?。