



2024-07-06 02:58:38 来源:网络


有相同的爱好翻译成英语 -
Have/share the same hobby .
have common hobbies


相同的爱好用英语怎么说 -
have The same hobby
have a same hobby
有共同爱好用英语怎么表达 -
They have common interest.他们有共同爱好,
“我们有共同的爱好”的英文:We have the same hobbies 相关短语:1、Develop Hobbies 培养业余爱好; 发展兴趣爱好; 发展嗜好2、Same hobbies 有着相同的爱好; 共同爱好3、discuss hobbies 讨论兴趣爱好4、outdoor hobbies 户外爱好5、Arts Hobbies 艺术爱好有帮助请点赞。
我和他有一样的爱好英语怎么译 -
我和他有一样的爱好。英译:I have the same hobby as him.
Mike and i have the same hobby.Mike has a hobby as i do.Mike and i, we have something in common on hobby part.You do know that Mike and i, we have the same hobby.You know Mike's hobby, then you know mine.Don't you know the hobby we are in common? i mean Mike 好了吧!
我两有相同的爱好弹吉他用英语咋写 -
I have the same hobby of playing the guitar这是你这句话的英文读法You both have the same hobbies.这是:【你俩有相同爱好】的翻译方式,
We have many same hobbies.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)