



2024-07-20 07:21:43 来源:网络


看病的英文怎么写? -
看病(医生治病)see a patient或treat或attend或give medical advice:例句:send for a doctor;请医生来看病The old doctor handles his cases with great care.这位老医生看病很仔细。短语:see a doctor 或see a patient 希望对你有帮助如有疑问请在线交谈祝你考上理想的学校好了吧!
看病的英文:see a doctor I catch a cold ,I'll see a doctor.我感冒了,我要去看医生。I want to see the doctor,I have a terrible headache.我想看医生,我头疼得厉害。在去看病的时候,如果想要表达:“我得了……病”呢,其实我们用一个“have”就能够完全来表达:have a fever --是什么。


去看病的英文是什么 -
go to the doctor 去看病go to see the doctor 去看病go sick 去看病I will go to see a doctor.我将去看病。I'm going to the hospital to see the doctor.我到医院去看病Mother went out to see the doctor 妈妈出去看病了。
see a doctor 看医生;看病。go to the doctor 看医生。see a dentist 看牙医。I have an appointment with a doctor 我约了医生。老外一般用see a doctor表示看病,see a dentist就是看牙医。看医生也可以理解为约了医生,翻译成英文就是I have an appointment with a doctor。You look very pa说完了。
去看病的英文是什么 -
go to see a doctor
看病: see a doctor 妈妈出去看病了。Mother went out to see the doctor
去医院看病用英文交流 范文 -
About five days running already现在已经持续有五天了.I cough a great deal at night我晚上咳得很厉害I don't feel like eating anything我什么也不想吃I feel chilly我怕冷I feel like I'm burning up我觉得浑身发热I feeling like vomiting我觉得想呕吐I feel shivery and I have got好了吧!
为……看病For后面会介绍。See the doctor doctor 英[ˈdɒktə(r)] 美[ˈdɑ:ktə(r)]n. 博士; 医生,大夫; 神学家; 医疗设备;vt. 医疗,行医;vt. 修理,装配; 假造; 搀杂; 修改,修饰;[例句]I have an appointment at the doctors.我在诊所有后面会介绍。
去医院看病英文 -
去医院看病Go to a hospital
see a doctor 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!