



2024-07-04 05:32:54 来源:网络


有关于旅游的英语口语精选 -
有关于旅游的英语口语1 Don't you think we could use one to decorate our room?难道你不想买一条来装饰我们的房间吗?Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style.艺术挂毯体现了地毯纺织艺术等会说。
旅游英语口语对话一客人: I’d like to know what time the meals are served.我想知道三餐的供应时间。服务员: Breakfast is served from 7:00 to 9:00,lunch from 12:00 to 2:00,and dinner from 6:00 to 9:00.早餐从7点至9点,午餐从12点至下午2点,晚餐从6点至9点客人: I等会说。


旅游英语常用口语对话 -
1.Do you have any plan for the approaching summer holiday?暑假就要到了,你有什么计划吗?2.I’m going to travel in Sydney for 2 weeks after resignation.辞职之后我要去悉尼旅游两个月。3.My parents plan to visit Beijing during the spring break.我父母计划在春天的假期里去游览北等会说。
关于旅游常用英语口语900句如下:1、Excuse me,How do I get to the有帮助请点赞。? 请问如何前往有帮助请点赞。?2、How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?3、How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站?4、How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Metro乃欧洲有帮助请点赞。
好用的旅游英语口语精选? -
好用的旅游英语口语1 They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring.它们看上去就像去年春天我们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flowers in blossom!各种各样的花竞相开放,真是五彩缤纷。Do you see those red,..
关于旅游英语口语篇四如何介绍别人第一句:Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Li Hua.请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫李华。A: Good morning, everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Li Hua.大家早上好。请允许我自我介绍一下,我叫李华。B: Hi, Li Hua. It's a pleasure to meet 等我继续说。
介绍旅游景点的口语 介绍旅游景点口语英语交际 -
关于旅游景点的英语口语交际二人对话!1 Did you get enough water? 水带够了吗?2 Look! over there, you see that? A runing bear!You bet,that's not a teddy bear! 看,那边! 看到没? 一头奔跑中的大熊! 绝对的,那可不是泰迪熊哦。3 Please, look on your left/right ,that's the spot light 到此结束了?。
旅游英语口语情景对话一 STEVE: This place serves good breakfasts, don't you think? HOWARD: Yes. But I'm not used to eating American-style breakfast. STEVE: What are you planning to do today? HOWARD: I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one. 有帮助请点赞。
旅游英语口语大全 -
旅游必备英语口语一 Closing an Account 注销账户1.I'11 transfer your money to a new account.我会把您的钱转到一个新户头上。2.I'll keep your money in your account. Please come again with your ID card.我会为您保留账上的款项,请拿上身份证再来。3.Even if someone has got y说完了。
常用的旅游英语对话1 A:Are there any scenic spots nearby?A:附近有什么旅游景点吗?B:You can go to ZhongShan Park.B:你可以去中山公园。A:Have you ever been there?A:你去过那儿吗?B:Yes. The scenery there is so breathtaking B:是的。那儿的景点简直太美了。A:Really?A:真的吗?