



2024-07-20 05:20:31 来源:网络


改写的英文 -
改写的英文有rewrite; adapt; transcribe; done into; redraft; reword; recast等。相关例句:1、库尔尼科娃决心改写网球史。Kournikova is poised to rewrite the tennis history books.2、然后,通过对组成编码器的其他算法进行分析,利用高效的线性汇编或者内联函数改写了许多C语言代码,缩短了代码执行有帮助请点赞。
adapt改编,改写Many of Dickens' books have been adapted as films.狄更斯的许多书都已改编成电影.to adapt a book for television 将书改编为电视节目The movie was adapted from a novel.这部电影是由小说改编的.the film was adapted from a Turgenev short story.电影根据屠格涅夫短篇小说改编是什么。


改写成英文 -
Straight In the bookstore on the south side 3-way bus ride Take Bus 12 Road, cinema and then take the 9 bus How do I go to the museum Where the hospital is Close 7 minutes straight
close(现在分词)closing China(形容词)Chinese boy(复数)boys photo(复数)photos mango(复数)mangoes country(复数)countries three(序数词)third i(名词性主代词)mine swim(现在分词)swimming mouse(复数)mice make(现在分词)making 说完了。
如何改写英文句子? -
2.Summer holiday is from July to August . It ' s a long time for me to do all kinds of things . I like visiting some places of interest . And I like travelling by train . It takes me too much time , but it saves money . Sometimes I stay at home and do my 等我继续说。
直接引语为祈使句,改为间接引语时,一般用带to的不定式表达。如ask sb. to do(由肯定祈使句变成),并且在不定式短语中的时间状语、地点状语、人称及时态都作相应的变化。I asked her to email me some time the next week.同上。时间状语由"next week(下星期)"换为对应的"the next week(第二个好了吧!
帮忙改写成英文 -
1.twelve thousand three hundred and forty five 2.Lesson Five 3.No.Fifty six bus 4.503 Room 5.No.Six middle school 6.fifteen minutes past nine 7.2005.October first 8.thousands of people 还有问题的话发给我,
顺读:five (o'clock)3:05 顺读:three five 倒读:five past three 4:10 顺读:four ten 倒读:ten past four 9:15 顺读:nine fifteen 倒读:fifteen past nine;a quarter past nine 10:20 顺读:ten twenty 倒读:twenty past ten 7:25 顺读:seven twenty-five 倒读:twenty-还有呢?
...时间玩电脑游戏,所以她的英语没有取得好成绩”改写英文 -
she spend too much time to playing computer games last year,so. she didnt has a great grade
如最后的考试正在接近, 我必须更加稍后熬夜。(简单的句子)问题补充:鲍伯和洁西卡对于在他们之间的所有这些不同仍然作成功的婚姻。( 掉尾句) 改成调尾句我呼叫了我的狗。她受到赛跑的影响。她拒绝离开我。(化合物- 合成物句子) 改成并列复合句报告在最后十年中是主要大约通货膨胀的趋势有帮助请点赞。