



2024-07-13 05:13:00 来源:网络


排名用英文怎么说 -
比如:他在十个人中排名第二。He ranked the second place among ten candidates.


排名的英文 -
ranking list读音:英[ˈræŋkɪŋ list];美[ˈræŋkɪŋ lɪst]。排行榜;体]名次排列表。例句:1、These two songs stay at the top of the ranking list together.这两首歌曲共居排行榜首位。2、This book ranks first 是什么。
排名的英文是ranking。ranking的组词有排名最后rank last,排名前十rank in the top 10,排名在前rank ahead(of),排名次arrange the rankings,常规赛分区排名regular season division standings,常规赛季排名regular season standings,英国大学排名British university rankings,排名靠后的国家low-ranking cou等我继续说。
排名英文 -
排名英文——词典] list names by seniority/position;[动词] rank;[例句]这些考生的总体百分位排名占第21位。就是说,79%的应试儿童比他们考得好。成绩排名Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests ─ that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all child等会说。
31-40:thirty-first、thirty-second、thirty-third、thirty-fourth:、thirty-fifth、thirty-sixth、thirty-seventh、thirty-eighth、thirty-ninth、fortieth 41-50:forty-first、forty-second、forty-third、forty-fourth、forty-fifth、forty-sixth、forty-seventh、forty-eighth、forty-ninth、fiftieth 51-60后面会介绍。
rank英文翻译 -
在你生命里,我占的是什么排名呢?Their power does not come from rank or title but from intellect and perseverance.他们的权力并非来自等级或头衔,而是来自他们的智慧和毅力。He had only one ambition, to finish the war with the same rank.他只有一个抱负,就是战争结束时保持同样的军衔。
Therefore, I always rank the first of the class for all the accountancy courses.所以,我会计方面的课程总是全班第一名.She ranked in the top 5% of her class throughout her academic career. Always very quick to grasp the subject in question and never one to move on without being希望你能满意。
排行榜用英语怎么说 -
一、ranking 读法英[ˈræŋkɪŋ] 美[ˈræŋkɪŋ]作名词的意思是:社会地位,社会阶层;顺序,次序;行列;军队作形容词的意思是:头等的;高级的;超群的短语:ranking method 等级法;排序法;秩评定法ranking list 排名;评级说完了。