



2024-07-21 14:41:28 来源:网络


指出这个英语句子的语法错误及修改? -
引导词重复,that和whether保留一个即可,由于后句出现or not,则保留whether删去that 正确句子:It is a problem whether we should assist her or not.whether的常见使用方法:1.whether和if都可以表示“是否”,引导宾语从句You may wonder whether/if it is true. 你可能想知道它是否是真的。2等会说。.
这里的后两句有语法错误:A)In Lhasa is cool and rainy. 当用了in 这个介词是,in Lhasa 就变成了(地点状语)了,所以句子缺少了(主语),需要添加it,代替Lhasa。句子改成:Ih Lhasa, it is cool and rainy.B)Hong Kong is sunny, it's hot. 这一句通常来说应该是没有问题的,..


自己写了一个英语句子,请高手帮忙看有什么语法错误没。 -
1、单数可数名词前面不要忘了加a/an。2、but连接的两个成分应该是并列成分,如果前面是句子,后面也应该是句子。是句子就应该有谓语动词,所以to turn应该改成can turn。3、pulling down a house是主语,erecting one (a house)是表语,都应该用非谓语动词的形式(具体而言,都要用to do 或doing的等我继续说。
1.confront with把with去掉,它是及物动词2.are very important改为is very important,how to do 是句子做主语了,单数。3.honest建议改成honestly 4.touch应该是三单形式感觉底线的翻译有点怪怪的感觉,直接bottom line 就可以了5. you must bravely to beat back把to 去掉有帮助请点赞。
这个英语句子有语法错误吗?怎么改? -
to the translation of Chinese set phrases.句式结构:【Letting sb do sth and do sth 主语】【is 谓语】【sth表语】其中的并列关系应该是【appreciate】sth【and have】sth .句意:让英语读者欣赏优美的汉语成语并产生如汉语读者同样的情感是翻译汉语成语的关键。祝你开心如意!O(∩_∩)O~~到此结束了?。
1,John said his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday.像five-speeds这种数词+名词构成的合成词或词组作另一个名词的定语是,只能用单数形式,所以要改为:five-speed racing bicycle 2,By reading the directions carefully,some mistakes in the examination 是什么。
这个英语句子有没有语法错误? -
修改一:We reviewing the American history of discriminating black Americans and the movement of fightingagainst racial discrimination, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that the process is strenuous and too hard.修改二:After) reviewing the American history of discriminating black 到此结束了?。
1. 这样写的话,that 引导的是the fact 的同位语从句,构不成句子,应该把它变成表语从句,改为The fact is that education is the key to everyone’s success 2. this policy cannot be made due to its damage to human's health 和more factors have to be taken into consideration 是到此结束了?。
帮忙分析一下这个英语句子的语法错误。 -
所以,你问的句子前半部分可以有两种改法:What is worth highlighting 等我继续说。 或What is worthy to be highlighted 等我继续说。再说后面部分。insist 一般用insist on sth. 或insist on doing sth. 或“insist that 宾语从句”这么三种形式,所以我认为还要做第二处修改,在insist 后面加上on。
1) After mom goes off to work, they are playing around; climbing on the table, running around,but worse, one of the kids make pees in the truck. So the dads have to cleanout the truck and ask them to get out from the toilet. ( because the kids 2) The kids 等我继续说。