



2024-07-21 15:24:41 来源:网络


报销的英文是什么? -
报销的英文:apply for reimbursement 英文发音:[əˈplaɪ fɔː(r) ˌriːɪmˈbɜːsmənt]例句:You need to get an official receipt in order to apply for reimbursement.你需要申请正式的收据才可以申请报销。报销的近义有帮助请点赞。
报销的英文:apply for reimbursement 英文发音:[əˈplaɪ fɔː(r) ˌriːɪmˈbɜːsmənt]例句:You need to get an official receipt in order to apply for reimbursement.你需要申请正式的收据才可以申请报销。报销的近义好了吧!


报销用英文怎么说 -
报销的英文说法1: Reimbursement 英[ˌri:ɪmˈbɜ: *** ənt] 美[ˌriɪmˈbə: *** ənt]报销的英文说法2: apply for reimbursement 英[əˈplai fɔ: ˌri:ɪmˈbɜ: *** 好了吧!
报销的英文:apply for reimbursement 英文发音:[əˈplaɪ fɔː(r) ˌriːɪmˈbɜːsmənt]例句:You need to get an official receipt in order to apply for reimbursement.你需要申请正式的收据才可以申请报销。报销的近义后面会介绍。
报销英语怎么说 -
报销 [bào xiāo]1. apply for reimbursement 2. submit an expense account 3. write-off 4. wipe out 相关解释:report for deletion, to report one's expenses 例句用法:因为索取报销费的事,老板把我叫去训了一顿。The boss had me on the carpet over my expenses claim.一切费用都能(..
报销的英文:apply for reimbursement 英文发音:[əˈplaɪ fɔː(r) ˌriːɪmˈbɜːsmənt]例句:You need to get an official receipt in order to apply for reimbursement.你需要申请正式的收据才可以申请报销。报销的好了吧!
费用报销单用英文怎么说? -
报销的英文:apply for reimbursement 英文发音:[əˈplaɪ fɔː(r) ˌriːɪmˈbɜːsmənt]例句:You need to get an official receipt in order to apply for reimbursement.你需要申请正式的收据才可以申请报销。报销的等我继续说。
“报销”英文作reimburse(v.),动词多用于被动语态reimbursement(n.)名词作不可数与可数均可例如:I was reimbursed in full.All expense will be reimbursed (to you).We will reimburse the customer for any loss or damage.发票是报销的凭证。如果地道一点说就是:A reimbursements should be 后面会介绍。
中文里餐票机票报销这个“报销”,英文怎么说 -
报销:be recoverable / be reimbursed 如:Travel expenses will be recoverable from the company. 差旅费用可到公司报销报销:recoupe 如:He recouped his travelling expenses from his employers. 他向老板报销了他的旅费,
reimburse [,riːɪm'bɜːs]他们给你报销吗?Will they reimburse you?我想他们会给我报销。I think they will reimburse me.旅费凭火车票报销。Travelling expenses can be reimbursed on handing in the railway tickets.望采纳好了吧!