



2024-07-24 19:20:26 来源:网络


我值得英文 -
i deserve it 英/aɪ dɪˈzɜːv ɪt/。美/aɪ dɪˈzɜːrv ɪt/。我值得。And, did I deserve it?还有,我值得吗?A raise in my salary. I deserve it!有关加薪,这是我应得的!You see me silly, happy, I后面会介绍。
值得: [ zhí dé ]1. to be worth 2. to deserve 其它相关解释:<worthiness> <worth while> <merit> <pay> <worth> <deserve> <worthy of> <be worth while> <be worth> <to be worth it> <deserving of> <be good for> 例句与用法:1. 学英文是值得的。It is worth while to l还有呢?


求“值得”的英文名词。 -
deserve to do,值得做某事;She deserves my love;或She deserves for me to love.
我值得你相信 翻译成英文 -
I am worth trusting.
I believe that I'm worth it.祝楼主进步!要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!
值得的的英语怎么说? -
你值得拥有用英语怎么说you deserve it.看语气,可以解释为这些(荣誉、奖赏)都是你值得拥有;严厉的语气也能解释为,你自找的(麻烦)非常值得英文怎么说据我所知有以下几种表达方法:1.be worth doing sth.The book is worth reading.这本书值得一读2.be worthy of sth\to do sth.Her 有帮助请点赞。
非常值得的英文:well worth worth 读法 英[wɜːθ] 美[wɜːrθ]1、adj.有…价值;值…钱;(指行动)值得,有价值;值得(费周折)2、n.价值(十元、40英镑等)的东西;能用(一个星期、一个月等)的东西;价值;意义;作用短语1、worth doing 值得做;物有所值2等会说。
你值得拥有用英语怎么说 -
deserve 英文发音:dɪˈzɜːv]中文释义:v.值得;应得;应受词形:第三人称单数:deserves 现在分词:deserving 过去式:deserved 过去分词:deserved 例句:The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children.这些提议值得拥护,因为它们优先等我继续说。
值得一提的是的英文:It is worth mentioning that。It is worth mentioning that:英[ɪt ɪz wɜːθ ˈmenʃnɪŋ ðæt] 美[ɪt ɪz wɜːrθ ˈmenʃnɪŋ ðæt]有帮助请点赞。