



2024-07-12 15:05:18 来源:网络


得到消息的英文怎么写 -
get the news 网络:得到消息 get word因为我得到消息 cause we got the news我已经得到消息 I have already received news
get; obtain; receive; gain; chalk up 双语例句1 我认为他们已经得到了消息,知道这是错误的。I think they got the message that this is wrong.2 这项新工艺得到了更加广泛的采用。The new technology has been more widely adopted.3 我可以向你保证动物们得到了精心照顾。I can assure you 还有呢?


我就是从那个人那里得到消息的 英文翻译 -
It is that man from whom I got this news.
family.我得到消息,听说你们那里发生地震了,我很担心你和你的家人I got the news,I heard that you were there,and I'm worried about you and your family.
得到英文怎么说 -
get, gain, receive, achieve, obtain, deserve
单词的英语:word  英[wɜːd]   美[wɜːrd]释义:n. 单词;消息;话语;诺言;v. 用词语表达双解释义:一、n.(名词)[1、字,词the smallest unit of spoken language which has meaning and can stand alone 2、说的)话,话语,言语anything said; 到此结束了?。
Just got the news from the FedEx weekend if the economy is not the way to take delivery of the goods 刚从fedex得到消息周末如果走经济的话是不安排提货的,
before 可以用于时间上在。。。之前。before us 对的。They got the news before us .
得到的英文单词 -
get acquire obtain receive gain retrieve
derive 音:di'raiv]]及物动词vt.1.取得,得到[(+from)]She derives great pleasure from her stamp collection.她从集邮中获得很大乐趣。2.衍生出,导出[(+from)]Many English words are derived from Latin.许多英语字源于拉丁语。3.引申出,推知[(+from)]希望你能满意。