



2024-07-20 07:24:45 来源:网络


往后余生翻译英文? -
往后余生的英文是:the rest of life。重点词汇解释rest 英[rest],美[rest]n. 剩余的部分;休息;支撑物;休止符v. 休息;(使)倚靠;使(视线)停留在;搁在;依赖;基于;搁置;埋葬例句:We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.翻译:我们将吃一点面包,剩后面会介绍。
这虽然是一个短语,但翻译成英语,我们就直接可以说the future/later life。


往后余生,余生很长,好好爱自己的英文怎么翻译? -
For the rest of your life, for the rest of your life, love yourself.
往后余生全都是你翻译为:You are the one and the only for the rest of my life.1、only 英[ˈəʊnli] 美[ˈoʊnli]adj.唯一的;仅有的;最好的,最适当的adv.只,仅仅;结果却,不料conj.但是,可是;要不是The lawyer is paid only if he wins 等会说。
往后余生,我只要你每一天都陪在我身边,不离不弃,生死相依。For the rest of my life, I only want you to be by my side every day, never leave, and depend on life and death.
往后余生,我不想将就,如果爱就请你多努力一些吧,因为遇见不容易,错过了会很可惜。翻译:For the rest of my life, I don't want to do it. If you love me, please try harder, because it's not easy to meet, it's a pity to miss it希望你能满意。.
翻译如下I long to give you the whole world, and for the rest of my life, let's live in it, snuggle together every day and sing the most beautiful songs together.
对应的英语:Wish Huanghuang to be peaceful in the rest your life.
感谢网络让我们相识,也许这是上天的安排,希望在以后的岁月里我们一起幸福到老。Thanks to the Internet, maybe it's God's plan,I hope that in the years to come we will be happy together.