



2024-07-22 03:23:22 来源:网络


“废话少说”用英语怎么说 -
废话少说enough talk.看过《功夫熊猫》就知道了,里面有句台词是"enough talk.let's fight.(废话少说,过招吧.)"除非之外,楼上朋友说的"cut the crap"也很地道!知难而退-- quit after learning of the difficulties
Another instance: "I'm short on time, so please cut to the chase</ and tell me what you really want."Even in professional contexts, it's not uncommon to hear, "I can see you're busy, so let's cut to the chase</ – I need a significant loan from you."The origin 还有呢?


“废话就不多说了”用英语怎么说 -
你好,cut the crap (粗俚)废话少说;【例句】Why don't you just cut the crap and open the door.你为什么不能停止废话去把门打开。enough is enough 够了,可以了,废话别多说了。【例句】I don ' t mind loud music once a while, but enough is enough 我偶尔还可以忍受吵杂的好了吧!
shut up!no money everything is zero!请采纳我是专业英语达人啊不会错哦,
废话用英语怎么说 -
不过,现在在英国英语中,人们使用这个片语时,更强调的是情况完全相反而不仅仅是不同,他们对这个片语的解析用了一个比较贴切的说法:It used to say something which is in a situation in the past is now in another situation which is completely opposite.还是废话少说,来看个例句吧!Tom was等我继续说。
快上车吧英文怎么说 -
问题一:快上车,没时间解释了。前面这句话用英语怎么说 快上车,没时间解释了。Go on quickly, there is no time to explain.望采纳,现象问题二:quot;上车"用英语怎么说 上车get on the bus 挨次上车get on the busone after another 排队上车queue up for a bus 快上车吧! Hurry up 到此结束了?。
简单句:It is windy today.(今天风大。)疑问句:Is it windy today?(今天风大吗?)二、5 种基本句型的构建1. 一般疑问句一般疑问句是最基础的英语疑问句,可以用简单的yes 或no 来回答。这类疑问句通常以动词开头——包括助动词(加在主动词之前)和情态动词(比如can 和would 说完了。
来点有趣的笑话 -
〔第三名〕废话少说!要杀要刮随你便! 〔第二名〕废话少说!看招! 〔第一名〕唉唷!爹、娘,人家不来了……45. 一个老外去大陆旅游,路过一间工厂,工厂某处有一个警告牌写着中英文对照的:『有电危险』但老外仍然被电死,为什么? 答案:因为英文是:YOU DIAN WEI XIAN 46. 小君初次进京,才进城就见到路等会说。
* 学语言光听不说,光读不写,是学不好的。现在,有不少学生只知戴着耳机听英语,埋头读英语书,却不开口朗读,背诵名篇,名段,不开口练着说英语,也不动手做笔头练习,写英语文章。只有语言的“输入”(通过听,读吸收语言),却无语言的“输出”(通过口头和笔头表达思想,应用学到的语言),是学不好语言的。* 学还有呢?