



2024-07-17 00:07:23 来源:网络


关于广州塔的英文介绍? -
广州塔又称广州电视观光塔附近的赤岗塔、海珠区、广州、广东、中国塔。它是在2009,并于2010年9月29日开始运作的2010届亚运会。Guangzhou tower, known as Guangzhou tower (also known as Guangzhou TV sightseeing tower) in China, is the second tallest building in the world, the Dubai Tower 是什么。
广州塔英文介绍:Guangzhou tower is the new landmark of Guangzhou.It is a further eight sites of Guangzhou. It is designed by Dutch Barbara couples.It started in 2005 and completed in 2010.It is the tallest in China and the third highest tower It is composed of 24 root steel 等会说。


广州塔英文简介 -
Guangzhou Tower Canton Tower (also known as Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower is a tower near Chigang Pagoda, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. It was topped-out in 2009 and became operational on September 29, 2010 for the 2010 Asian Games The Canton Tower, in Chinese 有帮助请点赞。
Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain %D«aiyun Mountain (known locally as White Clouds Mountain) is located in north of Guangzhou city. It is named “the most beautiful place in the “Sheep City”(the nick name of Guangzhou City is “Sheep City”)”,and it is also one of the f说完了。
急求关于“广州塔的介绍”中文翻译英文的5句话 -
1. After six years of design and construction, Guangzhou Tower was opened to the public on October 1st, 2010. The tower was jointly designed by the architect MARK HEMEL and his partner BARBARA KUIT.2. The official name of Guangzhou Tower was selected from among over 180,000说完了。
问题五:广州塔英文简介The Canton Tower, also known as Guangzhou TV & Sightseeing Tower, is a塔位于广州市海珠区赤岗塔附近,距离珠江南岸125米,与珠江新城、花城广场、海心沙岛隔江相望。广州塔塔身主体高454米,天线桅杆高146米,总高度600米。是中国第一高塔,世界第二高塔,仅次于东京晴空塔说完了。
广州塔的英文怎么说? -
广州塔的英文:Canton Tower 世界大多数电视塔均以地名命名,广州塔也是根据惯例而得到的中文名。在当初英文翻译的时候,也考虑过用拼音“Guangzhou”。不过,这个汉语拼音在西文语境中比较陌生,发音很别扭。其实,广州在很早就有固定的英文名字,作为海上丝绸之路的起点,广州在当时被称作“Canton”。“..
广州塔(英语:Canton Tower)又称广州新电视塔,昵称小蛮腰,坊间称扭纹柴或针筒,位於广州市海珠区艺洲赤岗塔附近地面,海拔高程600米,距离珠江南岸125米,与海心沙岛及珠江新城隔江相望。
广州塔英文为什么叫canton -
广州塔(英语:Canton Tower)又称广州新电视塔,昵称小蛮腰,位于广州市海珠区(艺洲岛)赤岗塔附近,距离珠江南岸125米,与珠江新城、花城广场、海心沙岛隔江相望。广州塔塔身主体高454米,天线桅杆高146米,总高度600米。是中国第一高塔,世界第二高塔,仅次于东京晴空塔等会说。
广州塔的英文名称是Canton Tower。通常情况下,电视塔会以所在地的名称来命名,广州塔也不例外,其中文名是根据这一传统而来的。在最初的英文翻译中,曾考虑过使用汉语拼音“Guangzhou”。然而,这个拼音在西文语境中并不常见,发音也不太自然。实际上,广州早在历史上就有一个固定的英文名称——“Canton后面会介绍。