



2024-07-19 04:31:45 来源:网络


工作职责英文翻译,请高人指高,谢谢 -
1. According to product positioning, pioneering the development of potential customers, cultivate customer base, and called on the arrangements for customers to visit;2. Development of potential customers access to customer orders to become a reality;3. Company's existing customer relationsh到此结束了?。
Highly motivated, with a strong sense of teamwork. A strong sense of responsibility, serious and responsible work.水平不高,请笑纳。


请高人指点一些公司部门的英文的缩写的全拼,及其翻译 -
QA, quality assurance 质量分析其他的只有公司里命名的人才知道!
Anchang Xu, 1955 born in June, senior economist, master of business administration. After retiring from army 1977, served as the basic level cadre, served as the business manager, running over the cable factory, in 1998 entered the real estate industry, the real estate arena Tao 有帮助请点赞。
...工程师与NPI工程师的主要职责区分是什么?请高人指点 -
顾名思义, DFM\DFA主要是对可制造性设计的验证及改进,是NPI过程中极其重要的一部分,而NPI工程师则要对进度安排,工治具准备,客户变更,品质控制等全面跟踪,
first conference of provisional management dep and working conference in 2011
请高人指点,将文章翻译成英文,谢谢!~ -
it’s completely money consuming but rewardless! ”The other is the pro side: they support this firmly, be able to come to themselves timely know what they lack of and try to improve themselves so as to become more competitive is good, both for themselves and the society for 还有呢?
帮忙翻译成英文吧, 小女子谢谢高人指点了 -
We have stable distribution channels, and our business is open and progressive. I believe that's a new opportunity for us to contact with you.