



2024-07-18 09:43:11 来源:网络


对某事要求严格。英语结构? -
be strict in sth 对某事要求严格,be strict with sb 对某人要求严格,
be strict with 对某人很严厉,严格be strict about 对某事很严格be strict in 对做的某事很严格(强调是在做的)be strict in ,in 后加事物如:We should be strict in (doing) our work. 对工作我们应该严格要求。而be strict with,with 后加人如;His father is strict with him 后面会介绍。


对某事严格要求。英语 -
回答:be strict about sth.
1)be strict with sb 对某人要求严格2)be strict in sth 对某事要求严格strict 1)发音:美[strɪkt];英[strɪkt]2)词性和意思:adj. 精确的;绝对的;严格的,严谨的例句:My English teacher is strict with me in my homework.我的英语老师在作业上对我要求很严格。
对某事要求严格有哪些英语词组? -
be strict with sb be strict in sth have stringent requirement for sth.
这个句型,我们老师不久讲过。望采纳!!对某事严格要求 be strict in sth.对某人严格要求 be strict with sb.
‘对某人要求严格’翻译成英语 -
be strict with sb对某人要求严格对某事要求严格是be strict to sb
be strict to 例句:Be strict to yourself, be tolerant to others.严以律已,宽以待人。be strict with 例句:You must be strict with them for their healthy growth.为了他们健康成长,你必须严格要求他们。
对某事严格怎么说,英语句型!急用 -
be strict with sb in sth是对某人在某方面严格,也许对某事严格是be strict in sth 吧,
be strict with sb/be strict in sth