



2024-07-20 04:31:16 来源:网络


噪音污染用英语怎么说 -
噪音污染[词典]noise pollution; sound pollution;[例句]每个工业场地都经过常规检查以降低噪音污染,粉尘排放和废水排放。Each industrial sites have been routine check to reduce the noise pollution, dust emissions and wastewater.
noise pollution


噪音污染英语 -
noise pollution 1,飞机也会造成空气和噪音污染。Planes also cause air and noise pollution.2,噪音污染达到了很高分贝。The noise pollution reached a high decibel level.3,有研究已经表明,噪音会影响昆虫的行为,海洋中的噪音污染甚至与鲸鱼搁浅有关。Studies have shown that noise can affect ins说完了。
noise pollution[环境]噪音污染定义1:噪声对人和环境产生的影响。所属学科:电力(一级学科);环境保护(二级学科)定义2:因自然过程或人为活动引起各种不需要的声音,超过了人类所能允许的程度,以致危害人畜健康的现象。所属学科:生态学(一级学科);污染生态学(二级学科)噪声是发生体做无有帮助请点赞。
pollution什么意思 -
3.noise/light ~噪音污染;(夜间扰人的)强烈灯光harmful or annoying levels of noise, or of artificial light at night 动词:1.污染(作用)2.腐败,堕落短语搭配:noise pollution[环境]噪音污染;[环境]噪声污染; 噪音公害Marine pollution[环境]海洋污染; 海洋净化white pollution白色污染希望你能满意。
With the development of machines, noise has also increased greatly in the 20th century. We live surrounded by loud planes, trucks and electric tools. TV sets and radios add up to 90 or J00 decibels, a certain unit used to measure the loudness of sound. A normal dialogue reaches还有呢?
写一篇关于噪音污染的英语作文,学霸们,要快呀 -
Noise Pollution 噪音污染Noise is among the most pervasive pollutants today. Noise from road traffic, jet planes, jet skis, garbage trucks, construction equipment, manufacturing processes, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and boom boxes, to name a few, are among the audible litter that are是什么。
o 中文名称:噪声污染英文名称:noise pollution 定义1:噪声对人和环境产生的影响。所属学科:电力(一级学科);环境保护(二级学科)定义2:因自然过程或人为活动引起各种不需要的声音,超过了人类所能允许的程度,以致危害人畜健康的现象。所属学科:生态学(一级学科);污染生态学(二级学科)..
吵闹的英文noisy形容词 -
make noise 制造噪音;喧哗。make a noise 引起关注;引起轰动。background noise 背景噪声。noise pollution 噪声污染。road noise 路面噪音。双语例句:Over half the magnitude of the differences came from noise in the data。众多差异中有一大半是由数据中的干扰造成的。When the transmitter pack 到此结束了?。
a plane goes to 100, and an ordinary train, reaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest plane. Disco music reaches about 118. At decibels the ear stops hearing sound, and pain starts. How terrible if things go on like this!噪音污染众所周知,在美国,城市巨大到此结束了?。