



2024-07-17 03:04:25 来源:网络


英语作文《哈利波特》英文版 -
范文:《Harry Potter》tells a story about the hero, Harry's struggle against the dark wizards led by Lord Voldemort . Harry and Voldemort are the enemies of fate. Harry's Parents were killed by Voldemort when Harry was born, but Harry miraculously survived!《哈利·波特》讲述了到此结束了?。
I like Harry Potter.我喜欢哈利波特。Because Harry Potter is very courageous and has a good heart; Have talent, but also have a strong desire to prove themselves.因为哈利波特是很有勇气,心地不坏;有天分,也有急于证明自己的强烈愿望。Sorting hat said that he has the qualities of two到此结束了?。


英语作文哈利波特 -
Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has no parents, now he is 16 years old. He is very brave and known by everyone because he is the only person who will not die by devil. At school, he has two good friends, they are Rone and Henry.哈利波特是好了吧!
friendship, and perseverance and has become a beloved part of my life.我最喜欢的书是《哈利•波特》。我喜欢这个系列的书,因为它带我进入了一个充满魔法、友谊和勇气的奇妙冒险世界。故事讲述了一个叫哈利•波特的男孩发现自己是一名巫师,参加了一个名为霍格沃茨的魔法学校。在和朋友还有呢?
英语作文:我最喜欢的一本书80词(翻译)速求急急急急急急急急急 -
My favorite book is Harry Potter.我最喜欢的书是《哈利波特》。I think it's a good and interesting book.我认为这是一本又好又有趣的书。I love reading it because it's full of science fiction, easy to understand, and the most interesting book I've ever read.我喜欢读它,因为它有帮助请点赞。
The third is love, which mainly describes the ignorant love between teenagers. It is hazy and implicit, with a long aftertaste, which is also a highlight in the works.作者用浓墨重彩着力铺陈的是友爱。小说中哈利、罗恩和赫敏三个孩子之间生死与共的友谊,对视友谊比生命更为宝贵的青春少年说完了。
求一篇英语作文,题目是:我最喜欢的书(70词左右) -
《哈利•波特与魔法石》电影讲述从小父母双亡的小男孩哈利•波特是魔法师的后代。His parents were killed by a bad wizard in the magic world, but when the bad wizard also tried to kill Harry Potter, he was stopped by a huge force.他的父母都被一个魔法界的坏巫师所杀,..
高中英语作文范文:哈利波特 -
以下是考网为大家整理的关于高中英语作文范文:哈利波特,希望大家能够喜欢!In 2001, there was a famous movie named Harry Potter, which turned out to be the most popular magical movie all over the world. The movie is about magical thing, now, as the success of the movie, the 到此结束了?。
22. 哈利,我又要苛求你了。Once again, I must ask too much of you, Harry. 23. 我总是忘记,你已经长大了,总觉得你还是住在壁橱里的小男孩。You know, at times, I forget how much you've grown. At times, I still see the small boy from the cupboard. 哈利·波特Harry Potter 24. 他还希望你能满意。