



2024-07-22 02:11:35 来源:网络


参加会议英文 -
参加会议的英文:to attend a meeting; to take part in a meeting; to participate in a conference。参考例句:1、His excused from attendance at the meeting.同意他不参加会议。2、He sat in the meeting.他参加会议。3、promising to attend a meeting.答应参加会议。4、I was able to parti等会说。
attend a meeting


“参加” 用英文表达有哪几种 -
attend to take part into taketo join有这几个应该可以了吧再给你家个例子好了参加会谈to take part in talks 参加会议to attend a meeting; to take part in a meeting; to participate in a conference 参加锦标赛to join/take part in the tournament 参加考试to take an exam; to g好了吧!
attend a meeting
参加会议的人的翻译是:什么意思 -
参加会议的人英文:the people at the meeting 或者:The person who attended the meeting 会议英文:meeting;conference;congress;seance sergeant at arms ;
to different grass-roots units to take part in manual labour.干部们分别下基层参加劳动去了。2、attend 英文发音:əˈtend]中文释义:v.出席;参加;经常去,定期去(某处);注意;专心例句:He mistook the time and did not attend the meeting.他误时了,以致没有参加那个会议。
attend的英文和参加有什么区别? -
attend : 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。join: 普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。比如join the army就是参军join in:意思是take part in (an activity) 参加(活动)比如Can I join in (the game)? 我参加(这个游戏)行吗?participate: 正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个等我继续说。
参加vt. join ; attend 词组:take part in ; participate in ; go in for ; enter into 我们全体都参加了会议。We all attended the meeting.每个人都愿意参加这一活动。Everybody likes to join in this activity.如果你参加俱乐部,你就得遵守它的规章。If you join the club, you have 等会说。
参加用英语怎么说 -
参加的英语:join 读音:英[dʒɒɪn] 美[dʒɔɪn]vt. 参加;结合;连接vi. 加入;参加;结合n. 结合;连接;接合点词汇搭配:1、join a demonstration参加示威2、join a discussion参加讨论3、join a game参加游戏4、join a match参加比赛相关是什么。
会议纪要的英文:meeting summary meeting 读法英['miːtɪŋ] 美['mitɪŋ]1、n. 会议;会见;集会;汇合点2、v. 会面;会合(meet的ing形式)短语:1、meeting place 聚会地点,会场2、attend a meeting 参加会议3、emergency meeting 紧急会议4、cabinet 后面会介绍。