



2024-07-19 04:26:55 来源:网络


关于看病英文情景对话 -
医生厄,我们一般不愿意让他们一天吃1夸脱以上。要开始给他吃固体食物。他的体重会增加的很好,……没有其他问题了吧?Mother I don‘t think so.母亲没有了。篇3 护士:早上好!Nurse: Good morning.病人:你好!Patient: Good morning.护士:请问哪里不舒服?Nurse: What seems to be the problem?是什么。
病人:Thank you ,doctor.I’ll take your advice.谢谢你,医生。我会照做的。关于看医生的英语对话二 病人:早上好,大夫。Patient: Good morning, doctor.医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble?病人:我最近有点失眠。Patient: I'm suffering fr是什么。


关于医生和病人的英语对话 -
篇一输氧nurse:Let me put another pillow under your head. You have to breathe some oxygen.Patient:What shall I do then?N:No,I'll put nasal cannulae into your nostrils and tape the tubes onto your cheek.P:Well,my nostrils are very sensitive.N:Don't worry好了吧!.
哦!我忘了--是内科的彼得森医生.信息台: That Dr. Smith- I`m really sorry, he has a full calendar today. Will it be ok for you to come tomorrow?内科的彼得森医生--很抱歉.他今天的日程安排得很满.你明天来可以吗?埃里克: In fact, I`d like to make the appointment for another 有帮助请点赞。
患者和医生的英语对话 -
1 Good morning, Mr. Miller.What's the matter?早上好,米勒先生。哪儿不舒服?Good morning ,doctor, I feel dizzy and weak and I'm running a temperature.早上好,医生。我感到头晕,而且发烧。Do you have any other symptoms?还有些别的症状吗?Yes, I have a bad cough and my chest 有帮助请点赞。
医生患者英语对话精选 -
病人:From the beginning last night.从昨晚开始。医生:So what did you eat last night?那你昨晚吃了什么?病人:After dinner, I ate a little fruit. This morning when I got up I felt uncomfortable.吃了晚饭以后,然后吃了一点水果。早上起来就感觉有点不舒服了。医生:Yes , let me see, 有帮助请点赞。
Doctor:Done worry,young man.Let me give you an examination.First let me take a look at your throat.Open your mouth and say "ah".病人:啊.Patient:Ah.医生:很好.把你的舌头伸出来.好的.接下来让我检查以下你的胸膛.把衬衫的扣子解开.让我检查你的心和肺.深呼吸,屏住气.吸气,呼气说完了。.
关于看医生的英语对话精选 -
关于看医生的英语对话篇一Doctor : What's wrong with you? 医生:有什么不舒服? Patient: I have had a headache in the last few months . 病人:近几个月来我常头疼。D: Did you have any examinations before? 医生:以前检查过吗? P:I have been examined by a physician and he told me that 是什么。
病人:After dinner, I ate a little fruit. This morning when I got up I felt uncomfortable.吃了晚饭以后,然后吃了一点水果。早上起来就感觉有点不舒服了。医生:Yes , let me see, I think you are probably minor food poisoning.是这样啊,让我看看,我想你大概是轻微的食物中毒。病人:Is 等我继续说。