



2024-07-02 03:48:13 来源:网络


初中英语作文题目大全 -
1. my ?favourite friend 2.my ?favourite star 3.my family 4.my day 5.my school 6.my english/manth/chinese/history/p.e./music/homeroom teacher 7.my hoileday plan 8.talk with (某个人) on the phone? 9自我介绍10.my favourite food 11.my favourite sport 12.a happy day 13等会说。
初一英语作文:我的网友(My Net Friend)初二英语作文:如何过周末(How to spend sunday)初一英语作文:石器时代的人们(Stone Age People)初二英语作文:我的暑假初二英语作文:种花(planting flowers)初一英语作文:修理电视机(Repairing a TV Set)初二英语英语:过去,现在和将来(Past,Now And Future)初一英语作文:上学路等会说。


几道初中英语题目,最好有简单解析哦 -
1、They went the back door into the garden。A。over B、through C、in D、out 答案详细解析:以上是考查go through 用法,意思,穿过,通过,整个句子意思:他们穿过后门进入了花园:所以答案为B 2、I was surprised ___him here .A、at see B、at seeing C、in see D等我继续说。
1.--What are those?--They___ are rulers.2.On___my___way home,I met my friend Jack.3.--___who_is your English teacher?4.Lily and Lucy are sisters._They___are in the same class.5.He is a big boy and he can do it by___himself_6._What___is the weather li希望你能满意。
初中英语题目 -
Module 1 Hobbies 单元测试题(外研版)一、单项填空(共20分,每小题2分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。将其字母代号写在题前括号内。 ) 1. John sings very well. We listened to sing a beautiful song yesterday. A. he B. him C. she D. her( ) 2. The room等会说。
1 which 2 in which 3 that 4 the one 答案:2 解释:这里是定语从句,which代替the river,把从句语序调整过来就是I can swim in which(the river),这里关系词要做in的宾语,而且in在前面只能用which不能用that,如果river前面的the省略的话可以选择4 They went back to help the man等会说。
初中英语作文题目 -
1.my favourite star:介绍一位你喜欢的明星(成龙、贝克汉姆、布兰妮)2.my partner:介绍你的搭档(一般是好朋友)3.our school:描述你的学校(用写信方式)4.my family:谈谈你的家庭(有多少人,几个兄弟姐妹,他们的名字,性格是什么。)5.Food and drink:make a food and drink poster(写一些健康是什么。
1、They went the back door into the garden。B、through 穿过;穿过后门进入花园。2、I was surprised ___him here .B、at seeing be surprised at doing或者be surprised to do 吃惊的做某事;在这里看到他很吃惊。3、Please follow me ___into the cave.D、going 跟随某人进入岩洞到此结束了?。
初中英语语法:八年级英语用词适当形式填空 -
《八年级英语用词适当形式填空》由liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。1. I want___(buy) a book.2. Sunday is ___ (1) day of a week.3. He'd like ___ (go) with tom.4. They all enjoy ___ (speak) English.5. This story is as _说完了。
3.There are many warm-hearted___workers in that ___shop. (原题有误,应为workers)A.woman,shoe B/woman,shoes C.women,shoes D.women,shoe 答:D。译:那家鞋店有很多热心的女工。分析:名词作定语,一般用单数,即使是平时以复数出现的名词也是如此,如a shoe maker. 但是到此结束了?。