



2024-07-02 03:34:51 来源:网络


初中英语作文题目 -
初一英语作文:我的网友(My Net Friend)初二英语作文:如何过周末(How to spend sunday)初一英语作文:石器时代的人们(Stone Age People)初二英语作文:我的暑假初二英语作文:种花(planting flowers)初一英语作文:修理电视机(Repairing a TV Set)初二英语英语:过去,现在和将来(Past,Now And Future)初一英语作文:上学路等我继续说。
Module 1 Hobbies 单元测试题(外研版)一、单项填空(共20分,每小题2分)从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。将其字母代号写在题前括号内。 ) 1. John sings very well. We listened to sing a beautiful song yesterday. A. he B. him C. she D. her( ) 2. The room 希望你能满意。


初中英语作文题目大全 -
1. my ?favourite friend 2.my ?favourite star 3.my family 4.my day 5.my school 6.my english/manth/chinese/history/p.e./music/homeroom teacher 7.my hoileday plan 8.talk with (某个人) on the phone? 9自我介绍10.my favourite food 11.my favourite sport 12.a happy day 13后面会介绍。
1、They went the back door into the garden。A。over B、through C、in D、out 答案详细解析:以上是考查go through 用法,意思,穿过,通过,整个句子意思:他们穿过后门进入了花园:所以答案为B 2、I was surprised ___him here .A、at see B、at seeing C、in see D等我继续说。
初中英语作文题目 -
1.my favourite star:介绍一位你喜欢的明星(成龙、贝克汉姆、布兰妮)2.my partner:介绍你的搭档(一般是好朋友)3.our school:描述你的学校(用写信方式)4.my family:谈谈你的家庭(有多少人,几个兄弟姐妹,他们的名字,性格希望你能满意。)5.Food and drink:make a food and drink poster(写一些健康希望你能满意。
英语短文填空题是中考英语卷分值最高的题型,纵观近几年的中考英语试题,我们不难看出,阅读理解能力是中考考查的基点,而词汇的综合理解运用能力则是中考的重点。我精心收集了初中英语短文填空题,供大家欣赏学习! 初中英语短文填空题1 carol and susan are very good friends they are in the same _1_ at school 到此结束了?。
翻译:房间的灯光太暗了,汤姆昨晚不能读。Liu Xiang is an Olympic winer in the ___ hurdles..We're proud of him.A,110-meter 【解析】考察前置定语的表示:数目+短横线+单数形式的单位或数目+单位(单复视具体情况),并用属格110-meter=110 meters‘翻译:刘翔是奥林匹克运动会中110好了吧!
1 It is a tree in front of my house.(对a tree提问)What is in front of your house?2He plays basketball after school and then walks home.(用yesterday改写)He played basketball after school and walked home.3I am going sightseeing this weekend.(变为一般疑问句)Are you going 好了吧!
初中英语题目,最好解析 -
1、They went the back door into the garden。B、through 穿过;穿过后门进入花园。2、I was surprised ___him here .B、at seeing be surprised at doing或者be surprised to do 吃惊的做某事;在这里看到他很吃惊。3、Please follow me ___into the cave.D、going 跟随某人进入岩洞说完了。
1,你到18岁才能学开车. you can't learn how to drive until you are 18.2,教室里面很脏乱,请清理一下The classroom is in a mess. Please clean it up.3,我不能够选择要买那一副眼镜,两个我都戴的很好看I can not decide which glasses I should buy ,for both of them look 有帮助请点赞。