



2024-07-06 18:01:28 来源:网络


初中三年级英语阅读理解及答案解析三篇 -
did a dangerous thing just now 答案及解析: 1.A.此题是一道细节题,文章第一自然段的前三个句子就告诉了此题的答案。2.B.文中有这样的句子"Who can it be at this time of night?",此句说明Mr. Lee 很想知道是谁在午夜时来敲门。3.C.此题是一道常识题,因为大家都知道在愚人节这天,人们可相互说完了。
参考答案: 1-5 ACDBA 阅读理解【2】In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard. The weather gets a是什么。


初中英语阅读理解训练及参考答案(2) -
3.选D,This clock has four faces. So,no matter where you stand,you can read the time on the face of Big Ben.其他三项均不符合题意。
1. Get in touch with other people.回答选择问句不能用Yes或No来回答,而是从选项中选择一项进行回答。本题答案由第1段前两句可知。2. No. / I don't think so. Because people may think he's not interest­ed in them. / Because he should look at people in the eye. / Because是什么。
初中英语阅读理解训练题 -
初中英语阅读理解训练题初中是青少年生理发育发展智力的黄金阶段。为了帮助大家学习,我分享了一些初中英语阅读理解,欢迎阅读!expelled More than 6000 children were expelled(开除) from US schools last year for bringing guns and bombs to school, the US Department of Education said on May 8.Th到此结束了?。
1b 从这句可以找到答案:Jack had some model planes and Ted liked the subject, science as Tim did.2c Bill was a big wheel at school.在这里应该是大麻烦的意思,不过嘛,大麻烦的差生也是学校的重要组成部分之一嘛。所以选c 3a 看下面句子可以得出答案On the fourth day he was there, 说完了。
初中英语阅读理解试题(含答案和解释) -
steven jobs the designer of apple company, was not clever when he was in school. at that time , he was not a good student
51、B I left a bookstore and walked on the street, I saw a woman standing outside the post office.52、D She told me that her foot was hurting and she had to go to the hospital right away, but there was no taxi.53、A 短文中,作者带着这位女士到医院了54、D 还有呢?
初中英语任务型阅读试题集锦及答案 -
在做阅读理解题时,除了首先要抓住文章的主旨和大意外,还必须弄清楚文中的一些重要信息,下面是我提供给大家练习的初中英语的'阅读理解题以及答案解析,希望大家喜欢!【阅读理解】 Mr King works in a shop and drives a car for the manager. He drives carefully and can keep calm in time of到此结束了?。