



2024-07-11 17:04:39 来源:网络


几道初中英语题目,最好有简单解析哦 -
1、They went the back door into the garden。A。over B、through C、in D、out 答案详细解析:以上是考查go through 用法,意思,穿过,通过,整个句子意思:他们穿过后门进入了花园:所以答案为B 2、I was surprised ___him here .A、at see B、at seeing C、in see D是什么。
1. Did you hear any strange ___when the quake happened? —No, I was in my garden with my flowers and was enjoying the beautiful ___of my birds at that time.选择:D. sound; voice 解析:sound指“能够被人的听觉器官感觉到声音”,地震时的响声就属于这种声音。voice 指“脊椎好了吧!


急求初中英语翻译句子题(70道) -
18.也许你还能交到一英语为母语的朋友。Maybe you can make friends with a native English speaker.19.这两个获胜者都很谦虚,他们认为他们并不比别的歌手唱得好。The two winners are both modest. They don't think they sang better than other singers.20.你会找到你喜欢的学英语的方法的到此结束了?。
1.--Hello , Mr Huang!--I`m sorry , ___ I don`t think I know you .A.and B.or C.but 答:C 译:你好,黄先生。对不起。(不过)我想我不认识你。析:I am sorry, but 希望你能满意。是一个常见的对话。这个but表示转折。意为“不过”,一般不需要译出。3.Not ___ woman can d希望你能满意。
初中英语考几个题型? -
1.to improve (a good way to)2.选A,自己就是本人,就可以问别人是谁,但是答案B并不委婉,所以选A 3.buying reading(thank后面跟名词,buying是动名词。enjoy dong sth)4.play(can后面跟动词原形)5.each other(帮助每一个人,所以是each other)6.自己的家前面不加to,A错,在路途中用希望你能满意。
几道初中英语题 -
1.ride_go in a car,or on a horse,or a bike(根据后面的意思写出单词)骑,乘骑,乘,就是坐车,骑马,或者骑自行车2.Three multiply_by four is twelve.乘三乘以四是十二。3.There is a big difference between serious surfers and the afterhours_"beach boys”业余的正规的到此结束了?。
【解析】和第一题类似,too等我继续说。to等我继续说。结构翻译:我太累了,再也走不动了。He was't dead after the traffic accident and still ___now.C.alive 【解析】and后面省略了相同成分,完整的是:He was't dead after the traffic accident and (he is)still ___now.填alive做表语,表示活着的等我继续说。
初中英语问题 -
2.The boat has a hole ( A )each side.A.on B.through C.in D.at 在好了吧!边on 好了吧! side 固定搭配 on each side 在每一侧3.l'm glad you've come back from London,tell me ( A ).A.How long you have stayed there.B.How long you stayed there.现在完成时,..
1. Mr.Smith won't be here next week and his wife won't either.答案:his wife won't either 解析:A. his wife won't neither 不正确,用heither 表示“也不”的句子必须倒装,另外neither 已经有了否定的含义,用won't 否定重复,正确的说法是Neither will his wife.B. his 希望你能满意。