



2024-07-04 05:59:34 来源:网络


求初三英语任务型阅读10篇 -
初三英语任务型阅读专项练习 1Today it is found that most middle school students pay little attention to sports. It’s because they have no interest in sports? It may not be the fact.They often say they have other more important things to do. What are these important things? 希望你能满意。
8. A(他的声音很有力度。)9. B(got it在此是明白了的意思。)10. D(他的故事告诉我们有志者事竟成。)助你愉快学习!


初三英语完形阅读 求大神帮帮我!! -
18. D【解析】短语辨析。look out“当心;小心”;get out“出来”;take out“拿出来”;work out“想出”。根据意思可知,兄弟两人想出了一个办法,所以选择答案D。19. B【解析】语境理解。根据第二段第一句“James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. ”可知,应该是go down 是什么。
people can't notice the differences between the two boards,10,答案选C, 两个牌子几乎一模一样,都是蓝底白字,但是,他的牌子上写的是:礼貌的告示,而警察的牌子上写得是:警察告示。妻子笑的就是他的聪明呀,因为从此以后,人们都会误以为他的车是警车呢。2,初三英语阅读,求详解Mr. Bro是什么。
求初三英语阅读题常见的生单词 -
准许 amazing a.令人吃惊的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 amount n.总数,数量,总和 application n.请求,申请,施用 aquarium n.水族馆 Arctic a.北极的 article n.文章,条款,物品 ashamed adj. 羞愧的 assume vt.假定,承担,呈现 astronaut到此结束了?。
2.A 文中明确提到"half of a century":The book is going to celebrate its birthday this August. It began exactly half a century ago. And it’s always one of the best selling books in the world.3.D 文中明确提到是“为了让世界知道他们是最棒的”:“It gives people a chance还有呢?
英语初三 阅读理解 求正解 急 -
参考答案如下:31. B(这个男子非法闯入一所学校。)32. A(他抢劫了一位妇女的汽车。)33. C (fled是逃跑的意思。)34. B(第二案件中的小偷在与警察见面后被捕。)35. D(这个抢劫犯留在柜台上的钱比他抢走的要多些。)助你愉快学习!
2. C(在英国吃饭时,我们努力不把手放在哪里?在英国,我们在吃饭的时候,努力不把手放在餐桌上。(第十四行,inBritain we try not to put our hands on the table.3. B(以下哪一项是正确的?B不同的国家有不同的礼仪。第四行,people in differentcountries usually have different 有帮助请点赞。
英语初三 任务型阅读 急要在线等!!求正解 -
参考答案如下:1. Self-protection 2. how 3. Traffic 4. supposed 5. parents 6. low 7. exit 8. Help 9. calm 10. appearance 助你愉快学习!
初三英语短文带翻译篇一 第一份工作The First Job For college students, when graduation season comes, it is time for them to leave campus and find their own place in the world. But according to the report, most students lost jobs in the first year, though there are still 到此结束了?。