



2024-07-04 04:50:04 来源:网络


初一英语阅读题及答案 -
初一英语阅读理解题【1】 “Joe, you are a very old dog,” said policeman Fred. “Today is your birthday again. I remember you were 14 years old last year. But you are still the best police dog in the world!”“ARF! ARF!” barked Joe.&好了吧!
初一英语短篇美文阅读篇一受惩罚的马Punishing the horse 宋国有一游历者的坐骑不肯前进,他就将它赶进河里,再翻身上马继续上路,可马仍然不肯听命,他又用同样的 方法 对马实施惩罚。Since his horse refused to go forward, a traveler in the state of Song drove it into a stream, then有帮助请点赞。


初一英语阅读理解60篇. -
初一英语阅读理解【1】 My name is Chen Lan. My home is in Gulangyu. It is in Xiamen. It is near the sea. Culangyu is a small place, but it is very nice and clean. There are no cars, no buses or no bikes. People only walk. So it is very quiet. People go to 还有呢?
七年级英语短文阅读精选 -
七年级英语短文:An October Sunrise 十月的日出I was up the next morning before the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it: peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge希望你能满意。
初一上学期英语阅读10篇  我来答1个回答#热议# 【帮帮团】大学生专场,可获百度实习机会!匿名用户2014-01-16 展开全部 1、We,human beings,have been dreaming of a beautiful and harmonious society.At first,we should start from ourselves.At home,we must repect our parents;in our school希望你能满意。
初一英语短文阅读 -
初一英语短文篇1 To be a Chinese, we should learn how to love our country and protect her.China is our mother,we can't injure her,we are her pride. we can't make her feel disappointed and sad.We are flowers of our country,we should work hard, in order to devote 还有呢?
初一英语阅读理解题目下面是我跟大家分享的关于初一的英语阅读理解题,希望大家喜欢!第一篇: Bruno and his wife, Liz, live in a nice house, but it isn't big enough. The kitchen and the living room are small. There are only two bedrooms, and they need three. They have a 有帮助请点赞。
求20篇初一英语阅读题,要有答案的~! -
(B)阅读短文,选择正确答案。 One Sunday morning Mr Green and his child , Bill ,are in a big shop . Mr Green wants to buy a new blouse for Mrs Green . Bill likes oranges , so his father buys two kilos(公斤)of oranges for him , too . Bill wants to buy some picture—books and希望你能满意。
七年级奔腾英语阅读理解与完形填空答案 1.CBABBCABAC 2.CCDAC BCADB CABDC 3.ABC means American-born Chinese. Because they look like Chinese but they think and do things like Americans. Because they are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Their 有帮助请点赞。