



2024-07-11 22:37:42 来源:网络


初一下英语阅读理解练习题及答案 -
A.are older than B.do not like C.are just like 答案:A B B B A
( B )阅读短文,选择正确答案。Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn't know Chinese, but she is trying (努力) to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand (理解) 等我继续说。


英语阅读理解练习题怎么办呢? -
Sandy and her family move into a new house. It is a nice house with a big garden. Sandy has her own bedroom on the second floor. Through the windows of her bedroom, she can see some birds jumping. Sometimes she can hear birds singing.One day, Sandy hears some strange nois到此结束了?。
如何对待中学英语阅读理解练习中出现的问题? -
笔者认为要提高英语阅读水平,学生需做到以下几点: 一、多采用Top-down阅读法自上而下(Top-down)阅读是从语篇整体出发,把注意力集中在通过文字符号获取信息上,即按文章所给的标题先对文章的内容与含义作出推断,理解作者所要表达的意思。运用自上而下的阅读法的关键是培养学生预测、推断文章内容和含义的能力,从而等会说。
初一下 一单元和二单元 的英语阅读练习题 -
”“Two hundred and sixty yuan .”wo hundred and sixty yuan for a dress ?That’s too much !”But every evening when she comes back , Mrs Hunt speaks only about the dress, so at last he says , “Oh ,buy the dress ! here’s the money !”She is every happy . 等我继续说。
初一英语练习题(一)一、辨音: )1.a.really b.ready c.bread d.sweater ( )2.a.window b.yellow c.snow d.brown ( )3.a.cool b.room c.good d.moon ( )4.a.red b.then c.ticket d.spend ( )5.a.maths b.thank c.think d.there 二、用所给词适当的形式填空:1.The sun是什么。
2道初一英语阅读理解练习题,有分的! -
(A)阅读短文,选择正确答案There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often asks other animals to get him something to eat.One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat好了吧!
Absorption of water by plants B. Rootless plants C. Plants in the desert D. Higher plants 4. All plant cells are capable of ___.5. These flowering plants are ___ because they evolved recently and are thus considered higher on the evolutionary scale.要答案就追问哟后面会介绍。