



2024-07-16 21:03:41 来源:网络


英语题,完全形式和缩写形式。 -
完全形式:I am 缩写形式:I'm
can't(完全)--(can not )what's完全---( what is ) don't(完全)--(do not ) who is (缩写)--( who's ) are not(缩写)--( aren't )does not (缩写)--( doesn't )she is(缩写)--( she's )we are---(有帮助请点赞。


u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写c = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写v = 动词,verb的缩写vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写aux.v = 助动词,auxiliary verb的缩写model verb情态动词conj = 连接词,conjunction的缩写adj. = 形容词希望你能满意。
英语缩写的完全形式 -
no.---number add---address 缩写词,一般保留这个单词的少许一两个字母,为什么字母有时候是2个,有时候是3,4个呢?因为都是缩写的情况,也要把都是少少的几个字母的缩写单词区分开,所以字母上会略有不同vet---veterinarian you'd better=you had better can't stop= can not stop i'd like=到此结束了?。
isn't= is not aren't=are not i'm=i ame he's=he is she's= she is we're= we are they're= they are that's= that is等等,
写岀下面列缩写词的完全形式 -
1.I am 2.she is 3.he is 4.what is 5.who is 6.you are
can not I would are not they are let us was not that is或者that was do not when is或者when was did not you are或者you were does not he is或者he was she is或者she was I am is not I have should not I will who is或者who was 还有呢?
39 1.let us(缩写形式) 2.isn‘t(完全形式) 3.swim(现在分词) 4.by...
1.let us(缩写形式) let's 2.isn‘t(完全形式)is not 3.swim(现在分词)swimming 4.by(同音词) buy 5.big(比较级) bigger 6.old(2个反义词) new,young 7.heavy(比较级)heavier 8.go(过去式)went 1.visit(表人的名词)visitor 2.west(对应词) east 3.right(对应词)left 说完了。
回答:teacher's let us Tele picture