



2024-07-18 14:18:30 来源:网络


内部控制 怎么翻译 -
internal control
Process Control [自] 过程控制; 程控制; 程序控制; 进程控制internal control [审计] 内部控制; 内部监控; 内部管制; 内控control key [计] 控制键; 按钮; 控制码Vector Control 矢量控制; 向量控制; 传病媒介控制; 媒介控制control rod [核] 控制棒; 控制杆; [航] 有帮助请点赞。


内控怎么翻译成日语 -
内部控制的目的在于改善经营管理、提高经济效益。因此,日语就是内部管理(ないぶ かんり)请参考,
in the final part of the article,I combine and integrate three aspects ,which is the importance of internal control,the principles that shoule be follow in desighing and the implementation of proper internal control system and design ,to summarize the whole article.这样翻译比较适合等会说。
内部控制 英文翻译 -
of China’s enterprises, and points out the defects existed in the control inside the enterprises under the accounting computerization conditions, finally proposes to establish and perfect the internal control system suitable for the development of enterprise’s accounting computerization.
appraisals and controls so that the said business unit may fulfill its business targets, keep its assets secure and complete, guarantee the accuracy and reliability of its accounting information, make sure its business strategies are carried out, and also keep its operations on an econom有帮助请点赞。
内部控制牵制控制不严,执行与的翻译是:什么意思 -
内部控制牵制控制不严,执行与的翻译是:Internal control is not strict in control, execution and
Internal control in the enterprise development process bears an extremely important role in business activities is to strengthen internal oversight
谁能把这个翻译成英文 -
应收账款:account receivable 内部控制制度:internal control policy 应收账款账龄老化:account receivalbe aging
内控AC顾名思义,是内部控制的核心系统之一。AC是Access Control的缩写,中文翻译为“访问控制”。在内控AC系统中,可以通过定义用户或角色的权限,在系统中合理授权,保护公司授权人力及资源,是重要的信息安全防护手段。同时,内控AC的实施可以提高业务运作效率和准确性,减少人员因权限设置不正确所带来的误好了吧!