



2024-07-06 20:32:10 来源:网络


酒店英语口语日常用语5篇 -
It won’t take long to prepare for your breakfast. 您的早餐不会用太长时间准备。It will take 20minutes to prepare for your lunch.您的午餐需要20分钟时间准备。I would like some lunch now.我想现在进午餐。It is Room Service here. 这是送餐服务。Shall I pour you some coffee now?希望你能满意。
1. can you help me with this form?你能帮我填这张表吗?2. do you have anything to declare?有什么需要报关的吗?3. may i see your passport,please?请出示你的护照。4. how long will you be staying here?你在这儿停留多久?5. what’s your purpose of your visit?你这次旅行的目等会说。


酒店常用英语口语有哪些? -
1、Good morning ,sir(madam)早上好,先生(小姐)2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen 下午好,女士们,先生们。3、Good evening ,miss Price 晚上好,普莱丝小姐。4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ?你今天好吗?布朗先生。5、I‘m quite well ,thank you.我很好,谢谢你。6、Hs g等我继续说。
1、Welcome to our hotel. - 欢迎来到我们的酒店。2、How may I assist you? - 我可以帮您什么忙?3、Do you have a reservation? - 您有预订吗?4、May I see your ID and credit card, please? - 可以请您出示身份证和信用卡吗?5、Your room is on the 7th floor. Here is your 好了吧!
英语口语8000句--酒店场景 -
No, all the rooms are booked for tonight. (没有了,今天晚上全都订满了。Do you have a room for tonight?我预订了一个房间。#160;I reserved a room for tonight. 请办入住手续。#160;Check in, please.I'd like to check in. 请帮我拿一下行李。#160;Take my 还有呢?
酒店大堂酒廊常用英语口语:1. Welcome to Shanxi World Trade Hotel . I’m是什么。, what should I call you, please? 欢迎光临山西国贸大饭店。我是是什么。,请问我该怎么称呼你呢?2. Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam. What can I do for you?先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么?
求英语口语酒店服务员与客人场景两人的口语对话 -
250RMB…Here is your bill please check it.一间双人房住两晚,每晚房费是800元,您在酒店餐厅的消费是250元。。。这是您的账单请您核对一下。G:Sorry, l am not clear about this item. 不好意思,我对这项消费表示不了解。R:Oh. This is for the phone calls you made from 后面会介绍。
1.酒店基础英语口语句子 1.一般性的回答I see, sir. 我明白了,先生。Certainly, sir.好的,先生。2.请对方再等一会儿Just a moment, please. 请稍等。Thank you for waiting. 您久等了,先生。I am very sorry to have kept you waiting. 很抱歉让您久等了。Could you wait a little longe还有呢?
酒店商务中心常常用得到英语口语 -
8) Imedp Hotel, Front Desk. . EDP联盟大酒店,前厅。您找谁?Can I help you ?9) Sorry , I’ve dialed the wrong number. 对不起,我拨错号了。10) May I speak to your General Manager? 能和你们总经理说话吗?Speaking. 我就是。11) Sorry. He is not in at the moment . 后面会介绍。
出门在外,住是一个大问题,要是去到国外旅游怎么用英语去预定酒店入住酒店呢?下面是酒店英语口语情景对话,一起来了解下吧:【酒店英语口语情景对话】R:Good afternoon,Sir and Madam.May I help you?下午好,先生夫人,需要我帮忙吗?G:Good afternoon,I'm Jack Wilson.My wife and I have just 到此结束了?。