



2024-07-19 06:30:30 来源:网络


关于through的词组 -
Go through 遭受,经历;检查,被通过Hit through 抽杀成功Live through 度过,经受住Look through 浏览;详尽检查See through 看穿,识破come through [中考]经历,脱险see through [中考]看穿,识破,干完,干到底go through [中考]经历,经受,详细检查break through [中考]突破fall through是什么。


关于through的词组 -
go through是固定短语,意为“经历,经过”,Live through度过,经受住think through思考说完了。直到得出结论look through仔细查看,浏览,温习,
through rate 联运运价率through registration 联运托运[行李、包裹] 是什么。
through your picture phone 为什么是through -
across指从表面穿过,而through则指从三维空间中间穿过。相关词组:through and through 完全地。carry through 完成。through thick and thin 不顾艰难险阻。through fair and foul 在任何情况下。see something through rose-colored spectacles 对某物抱乐观态度。bring through 治愈。
go through , walk through
英语词组造句:as through -
as through=as if=好像,就像He got divorced from her wife,but he came to our party as though nothing had happened.他和妻子离婚了,但他仍然来参加我们的聚会,好像什么事都没发生过一样。
through和cross的区别:1.含义不同:quot;Through" 意味着穿过或通过某个空间、地点或物体。它描述了在一端开始并在另一端结束的运动或行动。例子:The train went through the tunnel.(火车穿过了隧道。)quot;Cross" 意味着横穿或交叉。它描述了从一边到另一边的运动或行动。例子:The pedestrians crossed 还有呢?
look through go though 这两个词组在浏览方面是否都有含义 额 如果都...
look through 看穿[识破](某人或某事) 仔细检查[审查](某物) 穿过…看; 对(某人)视而不见;浏览Look through the door's peephole before opening yourdoor.在开门之前,在门口的窥视孔看下。Look through these ideas to inspire some outdoor fun.看看这些建议好好享受户外的时光吧。I 是什么。
go through 1. 经历The country has gone through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争。2. 被通过The new law did not go through.新法案未能通过。3. 讨论Let's go through the argument again.让我们再来讨论一下这一论点。4. 举行They went through the marriage service.他们举行还有呢?