



2024-07-21 01:16:41 来源:网络


关于Imagine这个词的疑问 -
imagine 后面可以+to be 作宾语而to be常被省略i imagine him to be happy.=i imagine him happy.


选择题~最好解释~ -
1.这种疑问句的句型为:“疑问词+do you think / believe /imagine...+其它(正常词序)”。常用于这种结构的动词为think,guess,suggest,suppose,hope,say,believe,imagine等。例如:What do you think has happened?你认为发生了什么事情?Who do you suppose would believe that story?
当主句的谓语动词think,believe,imagine,suppose,consider,espect,fancy,guess等,并且主句的主语是第一人称而且为一般现在时,从句的否定词一般要转移到主句上来,其反义疑问句一般与宾语从句一致.(注: 否定前移的条件是,主句主语是第一人称)I don't think I can recognize him,can I?
含有think, believe, suppose, imagine, expect等动词后接宾语从句构成的主从复合句,如果主语是第一人称,反义疑问句中根据从句谓语动词形式来使用合适表达。I think he will come over to help us,won't he?We don't think it is right to ignore others need,is it?如果主语是第二三人称,反等我继续说。
we can hardly imagine what life will be like的反义疑问句
we can hardly imagine what life will be like,can we?反意疑问句由“陈述句+简略疑问句”两部分组成,第一部分提出一种看法,第二部分用来质疑或表示证实。陈述部分与疑问部分的动词时态和动词性质应保持一致,而且肯定和否定形式彼此相反,即陈述部分为肯定式时,疑问部分用否定式,陈述部分为否定式是什么。
=Imagine all the people in the world have ts world in mon without the boundary limitation. 想像世上所有的人共同拥有这个世界share:(作动词),分享、分担、共用、共有等意思例如: The o brothers share a bedroom.兄弟俩共用一间卧室She shared in my joy. 她与我同享快乐*** 《Imagine》这首歌曲好了吧!
问几个简单的英语问题° -
said he wanted to visit Japan, didn't he?c.上述部分主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine 等引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句。I don't think he is bright, is he?We believe she can do it better, can't she?15)陈述部分主语是不定代词是什么。
1) I can't imagine being that old 我不能想象(我能)活到这么老。这里说的是自己,而不是那个已经110岁的老人。而“我”还没那么老,所以不能用having been 2)a bit less:更少一点any less:更少,通常用在疑问句或否定句中much more:多得多a little more:多一点儿3)the best还有呢?